SOMEONE:"If the Ku Klux Klan is suppose to be the "master race", why the fuck do they keep spelling clan wrong?"
KKK butt fuck:"It's spelled that way because I am a dick-in-the booty dumb ass.........HANG ALL NIGGERS!!!!!"
by Jotaku December 20, 2004
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a corrupted greek word (Kyklos, meaning circle) that is synonymous with hatred and stupidity in the USA, especially in the south. The membership is frighteningly wide and all too well represented by doctors, lawyers, police officers, all kinds of lay people, THE CLERGY for fuck's sakes, the list goes on...
Basically a bunch of the blackheartedest, and most stupid world beating dumbasses to disgrace a quarter of the human population...
The Ku Klux Klan is a bunch of fucktards in white bedsheets, with a wide membership.
by J. Michael Reiter September 16, 2004
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their existence in this universe is not needed nor is it wanted...they do nothing but contaminate the Ether with negativity.

Also a term for the complete absence of cranial activity.
Look at those ku klux klan assholes! why do they hide under those bedsheets?

I dunno...maybe they wanna be a ghost for Halloween...BOO!!!
by rockhed May 20, 2008
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Anti-outsider group who rejects black, mexiacans, and other minorities.
I dont coincide with the ku klux klan but have to defend them at least from every dumb fuck who calls them asses without knowing who the fuck they are. Seriously, do you people even bother with looking this up? It sounds like your definitions came from a Carlos mencia show
by Preston Gilstrap October 1, 2007
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a hooded society of biggots
a large hate group that startad after the civil war in 1865
by Anonymous November 6, 2003
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the KKK is the most stupid group of people i have ever come to know.
i'm part of the KKK and i really want to get out of this cult, the longer i stay the more of a chance i'm going to hell. (fuck that, my ticket's laminated because of you sick fucks)
i never should have joined, i was so stupid now and if i could have ONE WISH, i would wish that all of the KKK burns in hell with me.
thanks for ruining my life. you know instead of being assholes to everyone you should try befriending Jews, Blacks, and Asians. they're not too bad!!! they're better than you shitty excuses for a human being. the KKK is a waste of carbon, sperm and egg, they're God's enemies and they're too blind to see that. they've blinded themselves because they can't see the outside world, they can only see their insides (why? because their heads are up their asses).
as someone said earlier, you make no sense, you burn crosses yet you're for God.
ahem *opens Bible*
i believe the Bible says "you shall not murder".
*continues reading*
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you
are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
God also said he created every man equal...
John 3:16 says that God
so loved the world, ALL men.

so you're all contradicting youself. you're a confused group of shit piles who take out their confusion on nice, harmless, innocent people who aren't confused. because of you breaking the commandments, they are ALL going to hell.
to those i have spoken about in this definition, thank you for reading and have a good death, fuckers.
Sunsay School Kids: "Why does the Ku Klux Klan kill people, Father John?"
Father John: "They are confused, children"
SSK: "Aren't they disobeying God?"
FJ: "Yes"
SSK: "Didn't they say they work for God?"
FJ: "Yes."
SSK: "What's the matter with them?"
FJ: "They are posing as God's servants, they are spies for Satan."
SSK: "We're gonna grow up in this world??" *shoots themselves*, do you see what you did thar? you've done it. you've killed innocent children (on the inside).
on the inside, they're dead because of you.
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