A secret name for a celebrity which has not yet been found, i.e a celebrity from the future.

Likes to give out free sex and lollipops. Can't deicde on her gender, tends to confuse the people of asian town alot.

A generally nice girl, who likes to drink drink drink.
wow, she reminds me of kirstie ambler.
by oiiiiiiiiibwoiiiiiiiiii June 13, 2009
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1.A phobia person - scared of many things
2.A real nice person
Cows, Jarjar from Star Wars, clowns,milk,fireworks,headless chickens
by Hayley Briggs August 30, 2003
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This girl shoots shrek figurines up random people’s buttholes until they scream “Do the roar”. They are to be FEARED.
by Broskiiiiii3000 April 14, 2020
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Kirstie Alley Syndrome is when you’re unable to get out of a fast food parking lot without going back in for seconds or even thirds.

The act of gorging yourself on junk food silly!

When you drive up to the drive-thru window and they already have your order waiting.

When the drive-thru attendant directs you to the slops in the waste bins.

To gorge, binge, to pig, to stuff, to overeat, to ho in or to eat in an offensively gross manner that would have third world countries salivating in horror!

To drive erratically from one fast food outlet to the next
“Did you just see that?” “What” “I saw Angelika going through the Macces bin!” “Fuck!” “She must have ‘Kirstie Alley Syndrome’ bad man!”

"Angelika is doing a Kirstie Alley on us!" "We have to help her get out of the fast food parking lot before she explodes like that little bitch in Wonka!!!"
by The Moody Poet August 30, 2006
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Beautiful girl, often found with another girl.
Always looking gorgeous with or without her make-up.
Amazing to be with and she is so kind.
Caring about everything and anyone

adorable, sweet, cute, amazing, pretty, yummy.
Hey its Kirsty Lauren Lawson! :D
-amazing smile-
woohoo :D
by InfinityLoop November 1, 2009
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Kirsty hollington - kirsty hollington is a street word for a slag a girl that will try anything sexual and experience different experiences and is willing to do anything with the boys she's with, kirsty hollington is also named a girl who tries sunflowering.
Your such a kirsty hollington
by jake vale August 15, 2011
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A person who looks rather like a lion or a curly wurly... kinda depends on which side of bed she decides to get out of. You will regularly see her biting peoples heads off.... hiding peoples belongings down her underwear and attemping to shake that MASSIVE arse of hers while washing up.

She likes to think she rules the roost and will attempt to teach anyone who will listen how to speak in the good ole language of chav... 'Dats banter blud' 'You so reem' etc... and will hear her scream 'ALLOW IT!' at the top of her voice at least 3 times a day.
Some people say she's crazy... some say she's the master.... either way, don't get on the wrong side of her... she WILL have a dance off with you!
Kirsty PC lady.; 'Jheeezzz, you so not reem, I just blazed you init?! You gots'd boyd! Yeh blud!'
by Iizdafollower May 30, 2011
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