The dirty Kain is when you stick your dick in the girl vagina and secure yourself. Next you slap her ass and she tries to buck you off is you can last for 15 seconds you are allowed to finish.
Damn last night my man did the dirty Kain on me and stayed on with ease!
by Chicken The nug April 13, 2020
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Ying and Yang, Good and Evil, Inbetween. Kain can be many people seen in the bible with abel, seen as the backstabbing friend in ff4 with aheart of gold, A vampire with ultimate power, a Writer, The protector of the Dark Tower, Appears in Shining force as the holder of the Dark and Light Swords, in all cases Kain has two sides, never good, never truly evil, just walking the line between both.

1. Dude 1: Dude did you hearabout the guy who killed his mother, he saved 12 little kids last night
Dude 2: Hes just Kain like that man.

2. When someone does something messed up followed by something wonderful

3. A Heartless Sob to his enemys, and a loveing friend to those he cares about.

4. To walk the line
by Kainrose January 28, 2008
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something that hangs from your backpack, and is durable and can last hundreds of years.
Yo dog, your cheey kain is pretty cool!
by camster360 December 3, 2010
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Kain= Pj's bestfriend, someone who prolly hates me, but the coolest kid ever that hides playboys between his matresses.
Kain... hides playboys between his matress. See also bling bling
by intellectual superbeing April 4, 2004
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When you fill a balloon with so much sperm it's about to explode, then pop it over some ones head.
Bro I just did a dirty kaine to my grandma.
by ThePPsucker68+1 March 8, 2023
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1.Kaine-some random nigga that's obsessed with Rosa
2.Plug-Kaine after he changed his name to not get bullied (still gets bullied)
3.Kum and Kan-Kaines "friends" (really himself)
"Bro that joke wasn't funny your such a Plug/Kaine"
by Adrvin March 8, 2021
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