A mythical creature, who dwells in the anuses of unsuspecting individuals. The creature is believed to have features like that of a Fat Mike and/or Ruben.
Will: Oh my god! three heebie jeebies just crawled out of my asshole!

Inferno: Are you bleeding?
by HehHowie November 20, 2007
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the reaction one feels when surrounded by many jews.
damn, these jews keep calling me an anti semite cause i saw The Passion, they givin me the heebie jeebies
by mike June 25, 2004
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Roommate #1: Jew, did you touch me? You're giving me the heebie jeebies.

Roommate #2: Fuck you
by DAVEYLIKESPOON December 16, 2010
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pretty much just means STDs. and that’s on perry’s hat
“Last night was wild bro. But i think he gave me heebie jeebies.” “lmao.” “fUcKiNg MiNt
by amstrike17 October 28, 2019
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A mocking nickname of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
It's a reference to the initials, CPGB, which kinda rhymes with heebee jeebies.
"The heebee jeebies are selling the Morning Star outside Tesco's again."
by Billy-Bob McSanchez August 8, 2005
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The fear of Jews and Jehova witnesses.
Adrianne is a severe hotty... she also has a mad case of the heebie jeebies.
by Chops March 15, 2005
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