baddass mf boy. fucked up teeth doe, idk wht happened during birth doe. sid the sloth vibes, but still hot somehow??
"sid!! come over here!!!"-zoe
"my names not sid, its jaxon!!"
by shoobiefromdashore May 28, 2019
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A thiccie and a hottie with the biggest dock you will ever see
Jaxon has a huge dick
by Hdhgbencib November 2, 2019
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Hottest kid on the block and beau is ugly af
Beau wishes he could look like Jaxon
by Fluff me in the ars April 8, 2019
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Jaxon is a dumbass
Dude one: yknow Jaxon?

Dude two: that dumbass
by Unknown2535 January 10, 2019
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Flamboyant, homosexual, gay, fag. Pertaining to enjoying butt of the same sex. On some occasions can be seen in the corner of a basement room videotaping on his cellular device a hispanic boy plunging his genitalia into an overweight white girls throat. It is only a Jaxon though if the girl then gets on top and bleeds on the hispanic boys chest and then asks him what his name is. His name is almost always Efrain.
Wow he is such a Jaxon for being gay and videotaping that hispanic boy face bang that ugly white girl.
by BIG 80085 March 10, 2010
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