to tease

someone who relentlessly teases is a jagoff - a real jerk

C'mon, I was just jaggin' ya
by mandingoe August 27, 2004
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An interest or area of knowledge.
A "thing," as in, "Are you doing that leadership conference jag this weekend?"
"Karen, do you like the new My Chemical Romance CD?"
"Nah, emo music isn't really my jag."

"George, does my tie match my shirt?"
"I dunno, man, fashion isn't my jag."
by R.K. Cooper February 11, 2008
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A jag-off, a Jagster or Jack off. Someone who's goofy, worthless & weak.
Get that jag outta here, I won't have him messing up my night.
by Anonymous November 8, 2002
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Just-A-Guy or Just-A-Girl. He's better than a SLUG (Semi Lingering Under-Average Guy), but he's really just a guy. It's NEVA his world - not now, not neva.
by DRJC November 12, 2010
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a bender, or a drug or alcohol binge broken up only only by the possibility of sleep. (obviously not the case with stimulants.)
He was out of his mind on a three day jag.
by Droopy August 7, 2003
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A term used by retards on their social media the day after they partied. They want everyone to know that something went wrong (they messed up / got caught/ didn't have fun). Then they do the same exact thing next weekend, and also call it a jag.
If only last night wasn't such a jag.
Chloe's party was such a jag!
by Officer Jonathon October 15, 2018
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