The definition of “drowning” this person talks about sucking itachi’s dick all the goddamn time they’re super funny but they talk non stop about wanting itachi in every hole of their body
“i want itachi in every hole of my body i want him outside of me i want him to cum in my mouth” - quote from itachi sucker 9000
by whoreforlevi August 8, 2021
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This is used all though my school. It basically means that someone is So Super humanly fast with movement, Actually Slapped the shit out of Someone to the point that they are sleep as Soon as he turns around. This Term was connected to a Now Blocked Video on YouTube Where it has Travis Scott's Goosebumps in the background playing and as Soon as the man Slaps him it goes into Slow monition to where Kendrick say "..The PUSSY TO DIE FOR!" Because the guy Immediate swiped his girlfriend off her feet and ran away with her.

The Character Itachi Uchiha is from Naruto and he was named the strongest of the Uchiha clan, with this he was quick. This Phrase is Simply putting a Red Flag on someone because of their Brute strength while being able to keep Unbelievable Strength all at the Same time having a Motivation to get somewhere without having to fight a nigga.
by Grumpy Gril'la April 4, 2017
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It is a place where those subjected to darkness are only allowed.
It is related to anime- Itachi dark lain
by Aiger March 14, 2023
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Sasuke older brother and the sole reason for my existence, with ruby-red eyes and a smile no one can resist. This man could have easily cause the entire uchiha clan to die of massive nosebleeds, instead of using his katana.

His graceful movements sometimes made me forget the deadliness of his jutsu, and I could not stop myself from gazing into his crimson eyes- even thought I knew that it was dangerous, but then again I wouldn't mind being trapped in his genjutsu.
Alright - I know Itachi Uchiha is a fictional character but I can't be the only person who loves him, right?
by Natasha Zeneka November 23, 2021
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Doing something seemingly and bad and making someone hate you when in reality you did it for their own good. Typically results in misguided resentment.
Pulling an Itachi:
So you mean to tell me my best friend banged my girlfriend because she was bad for me and I deserved better? You mean to tell me the new good non-toxic relationship I have now is because he sacrificed our friendship so I could find love? Holy #### he pulled an itachi!
by I’m right about everything October 19, 2022
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Itachi o baba
Kush o itachi i kti djalit tvogel?
by N.H.24 August 4, 2020
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