Hit or miss
I bet he doesn't miss ya
You got a boyfriend
I bet he doesn't kiss ya
Hit or Miss is pretty bad to be honest.
by DinoLover420 December 6, 2018
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National hit or miss day is celebrated on January 10th and to do so go into a grocery store and yell “hit or miss” really loud and see if anyone responds
Tomy: bruh are you celebrating national hit or miss day?

Ethan: bro no duh let’s go celebrate
Tomy: sounds good my bro
by Sub2pewdsT-gaysucks69 December 24, 2018
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Timmy : Ain't that the hit or miss girl?
Guy : Oh yeah Nyannyancosplay
by TimmyAndHisDefinitions February 12, 2019
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Hit or miss I’m already tracer is a way of saying I will game end you with the power of megalovani and that you want a sprit cranberry
Hit or miss I’m already tracer but I’m already sansundertale hit or miss im already tracer
by The lonely life December 12, 2018
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"Hit or miss, i guess they never miss, huh? got a boyfriend? I bet he doesnt kiss ya! mywah."
"HIT OR MISS I GUESS THEY NEVER MISS HUH , Got a boyfriend? I bet he doesnt kiss ya! Mywah!"
by TheDefinitionFox October 30, 2018
National Hit Or Miss Day is officially February 19. If you want to participate then go to a store or some place and record yourself yelling “Hit Or Miss” You dont have to participate if you don’t want to.
by Jjisgaygay February 19, 2019
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