urban art rocking the world of hella people
the frisco writers are ill(m.s.k a.w.r
1810 l.t.s
by ghostero April 15, 2004
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The term for irrelevant, unimportant, or annoying Wall posts on social networking websites such as Facebook.
I went to check my Facebook for that link you gave me, and I couldn't find it because of all the graffiti!
by Shotgun Ninja February 11, 2011
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The act of marking a surface with markers/mops,aerosol paint,bucket paint,tar,scratching the surface,etc. It is usually done illegally on private or public property. Legal work is not graffiti, it's graffiti influenced art. Graffiti has exsisted since cave drawings, but modern graffiti (other than gang graffiti) didn't begin until the early to mid 60's in philly.It is often misunderstood by the mainstream as being hip-hop. Graffiti is an important part of hip-hop, but hip-hop is not an important part of graffiti. It exsisted way before hip-hop. There is no one type of person(writers) who creates graffiti. People of every race,religion,gender,age,sexual oreintation,or social class participate.
by roo83 June 2, 2009
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Newspaper of the streets. Contrary to the relatively recent "art" interpretations that naive hip-hoppers have applied to graffiti, it is instead the longstanding form of communication by street gangs. Gangbangers place complex designs on public and private property to identify turf, to intimidate or disrespect enemies, and to display action orders.

Hip-hoppers who make impassioned defenses of graffiti as some "cultural artistic expression" simply confuse the issue for people in the mainstream. In its newest and least form, graffiti is simple vandalism by naive hip-hoppers. In its oldest and worst form, it is a mode of communication for domestic terrorists (gangbangers).
Hip-hop tagger boy thought it was a cool visual element to paint gleaming golden crowns upside-down in his graffiti. Then the LKs caught up with him and shot him four times in the base of his skull.
by Alan Keyes August 18, 2004
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A stupid, ugly "form" of art that is a way of destroying property in the city that taxpayer dollars pay for.

An art that is drawn on walls, busses, houses ect by people whose parents could never afford to buy them coloring books.
Is that graffiti gangsta art or sometihng copied out of my little sisters coloring book?

Hey look at the gangsta over there scribbling graffiti! Hey here comes the police! Better pick up those pants and run!
by topgun October 11, 2005
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