Everything and anything that's strange and unusual. Only the best of the best, the superior beings are only allowed to use this term. Cashmere glow can be used as a noun,verb,adjective. Basically it's a badass word.
Bro did you see Ashley's hot date?? He was so "✨cashmere glow✨"
Leanna I just witnessed a spirit presence! "YO CASHMERE GLOW"
Lucia, when you and Andrew were talking, I felt the ✨cashmere glow✨.
by Ashluna June 13, 2015
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As many as one in two persons of Asian descent possess non-functional copies of the liver enzyme (ALDH-2) needed to process acetaldehyde. Even a single cocktail can lead to Asian flush, a painful and embarrassing condition resulting from acetaldehyde levels shooting up 6 to 20 times that of people with normal ALDH-2. This burst of acetaldehyde triggers facial flushing, elevated heart rate, headache, nausea, dizziness and vomiting.

Although most with this condition view it as a minor inconvenience, it has been suggested that those with alcohol flush reaction may be at higher risk for alcohol related conditions such as liver disease, asthma, and cancer of the esophagus. Among flushers who are heavy drinkers the incidence of upper gastrointestinal tract cancer is about 50 times higher than normal. Higher rates of head and neck cancer have also been noted.

A functional shot/mixer supplement has garnered strong anecdotal evidence of efficacy against this condition. Google: "Cheerz IntellIShot Asian flush"
asian flush asian glow asian blush alcohol flush reaction
by samanthawhite22 January 13, 2010
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When guys come into the lodge after skiing and are 10x hotter for whatever reason
Taylor: Abby! Look!

*colin walks into ski lodge*

Abby: omfg look at his ski glow
by willllliedee July 3, 2019
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The look of happiness and excitement after a one-night-stand or hook-up. Often resulting in a glowey look in ones face.
"I finally met a guy last night and brought him home!" "Deng girl I can tell, you got your hoe-glow on"
by LILJAYLICH September 18, 2017
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The phenomenon in which an Asian person turns red after a small amount of alcohol consumption.
Carol only needs half a shot before she gets a bad case of the asian glow
by Bungalow Bill November 3, 2002
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The energetic glow that one feels in heightened states of ecstasy and enlightenment.
After years of practice in kamasutra, my partner and I experienced the golden glow and felt an all-connected feeling of bliss.
by truthinwords December 4, 2013
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