I love how your body feels against mine, when we are fugging.
by MrFun21 February 18, 2015
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1. (Noun) The odor given off by a fat fuck. Often strong enough that those surrounding can taste it, and in severe cases they are suffocated by it.

2. (Verb) When the air trapped inside a fat person's rolls is tinted with smegma and then released into the air, resulting to the intoxication of the surrounding air. Can be mistaken for an egg fart.
1) I nearly choked when I entered the room filled with Mrs. Choksondik's fug.

2) When Emily fugged, the whole class ran outside to take cover thinking it was poison gas.
by feelssogood December 6, 2011
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Yo man i needa go down to the gas station an pick up another pack of fugs.
by xsmokemeximdopex July 10, 2009
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The act of being hugged in an undesirable, sexual manner.
I got just got fugged by that creep.
by J Henshaw October 22, 2010
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A town in Austria known before as Fucking but did a terrible job renaming it as "fugging" is just the old name in gangsta speak.
by EasternEuropeanSlavLover June 30, 2021
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A Fucking Ugly Girl
On a scale of 1-10, a zero.
see also warpig
That chick is so hairy she got a full-fledged mustache, what a FUG.
by Spit Blood April 16, 2003
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A canadian slang for fuck. Usually referring to a girl.
Sam you so fugging ugly
Kyra go fug yourself
Maria you're such a fugger
Maddie you're fugged
by sexyfuggers November 20, 2011
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