I've been busy too, with my landscaping company, Landscape Escape doesnt mean i have to go and dissappear off the face of the earth! .....oh i cant stay mad at you! JOHN! JOHN!
see those dead bushes, yea, i planted those
by michael dixon March 21, 2004
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Esscape the fate is possibly one of the most amazing bands ever. They are a great screamo band and they have awesome style. Some of my favorite songs are As You're Falling Down, There's no Sympathy for the Dead, Ashley, Situations, ugh i could keep going but the list is too long. Just look up the albums "This War Is Ours" "Dying is Your Latest Fashion" "There's no Sympathy for the Dead - EP" "Situations - EP" to see my favorite songs
Poser: OMG I LOVE THE SONG "Dying is Your Fashion"

Escape the Fate fan: IT'S NOT A SONG U TWAT! *smack* ITS AN ALBUM!
by silly_little_emo_kid72094 January 28, 2009
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A girl or woman who becomes sexually involved with a person ending a relationship. She serves either as the catalyst for the end of the relationship or the sexual and/or emotional confirmation that the relationship is over.
"Dude, I don't know if Joe is really into her. She might just be his escape snatch."
by Beth-uh-knee August 19, 2013
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When you lick a girls pussy till she cums than walk away and never talk to her again. You switch your name and move to Mexico for life
El chapo pulled a Slerpy Escape to get out of prison
by Juancena56 December 6, 2017
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A group of lads enter a room with 20 cans of +4.5% alcoholic beverage and nobody is allowed out until they have all been consumed. No women allowed. Topgun and Anchorman are the preferred options for films. Chunder dragons and Pissballs compulsory
Dave: Wow that crate escape escalated quickly

Mike: One minute it was Topgun and on course to make it out clubbing. Next it was pissballs out of the window and chunder everywhere

Dave: Lol
by Team Topgun January 27, 2013
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when your cock flops out of the fly hole in your boxers, particularly when taking part in some athletic event
guy 1: dude....whats that comin outta your shorts?
guy 2: ahh shit...another steak escape
by Pepis July 6, 2006
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A totally amazing SUV, looks really good in dark blue and anyone that drives it is sexy and amazing!
"Lets take the Ford Escape today"
"OK thats a hot SUV!!"
by Kfot July 3, 2008
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