The true name of the genius himself, Donald Trump.
Dude1: "Hey man! Are yoi voting for Donald Trump?"
Dude2: "No, I'm voting for Donald Drumpf!"
by John Smith 69 May 2, 2016
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It is the sound produced when a fat pigeon flies straight into a closed window or when a bottle of store brand Root Beer drops to the floor in a minimart .
Drumpf can also be used to describe an unsuccessful or failed action.
Furthermore Drumpf serves as a term for a person who is not really successful although said person wants to make you believe quite the opposite using 'the best words'.
"When I was drunk I wanted brag by doing a front flip but I slipped and *drumpf* landed with my face right in the dirt."
"How did your test go?" - "Not that great, I totally drumpfed it!"
"I've got this great business idea - you guys should totally invest!" - "Don't listen to him, he's a drumpf."
by Jim Bow Joe March 2, 2016
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Donald Drumpf: Covfefe
Everyone else: Excuse me what the fuck?

See below a picture of Donald Drumpf dancing.
by Inquisitive Walnut July 30, 2019
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(Noun) A nickname for the charges one receives when behaving in similar fashion to the 45th President.
Man, Howard got a Drumpf and Disorderly for groping Lisa last week.
by PJ the Coug January 24, 2017
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An amendment for Godwin's law: All internet arguments which inevitably devolve into mentions of Hitler, sufficiently vague in their wording, and which can be easily be transposed to the news as of 2016 without use of the name "Hitler," may be referred to as "Drumpf's Razor," a logical fallacy. Maybe just a bad hunch.
Person A: OMG! He's ordered the censoring a book? Free Speech? The guy is a malignant narcissist, of medical interest! He could be studied in a clinical setting! I'd be he's on pervitin, dirty pilot salts, weird test chemicals, bull semen, and testosterone. Definitely all an F in English. That's German high command WWII, though.

Person B: Wow...I completely assumed you were talking about the news - the politics after Trump got elected!

Person A: Glad we weren't arguing...that's Drumpf's Razor either way. I should google logical fallacies and rhetoric!

Person B: I'm going to. Stay woke.
by effrankie January 5, 2018
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Drumpf is the actual last name of Donald J. "Trump".
If Donald Drumpf is true to his teachings, he should be proud of his name as well, as seen by his tweet to Jon Stewart, who should be "proud of his heritage". ~Drumpf
Person 1: Dude, I love Trump's thoughts on how immigration can be a serious problem.
Person 2: It's actually Drumpf.
Person 1: Oh, okay. I love Drumpf's thoughts on immigration then.
by Mysterious Hello March 1, 2016
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Something that appears to be the most valuable resource you have at your disposal
but turns out to be the worst possible decision one could make.
many American voters were so upset by Bernie's loss of the nomination that they used their drumpf card, resulting in the total destruction of life on earth
by anything_else March 20, 2016
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