From the latin word "drummius" which in its simplest terms means "unemployed."
"Hey Mark, can I borrow 5 bucks?"
Mark: "No dude, you know I'm a drummer."
by grassyknoll September 17, 2003
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Usually someone useless, adds nothing to society but still tries to make you believe he does. May have a hot sister. The backround guy, he does something but no one is really sure what.
Dude your flunking? Your such a drummer!
Man she completely ignored me.I felt like such a drummer!
Drummer: I wrote a song
Rest of band: Wow this is going right up on the fridge!
by rhythmfromhell November 7, 2010
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someone who hangs around with musicians
man1: look at that amazing band
man2: and the drummer
by mopp March 3, 2009
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Also known in some circumstances as "Matthew", this person is a typical forum prick who cannot spell, talks bubbles in the highest degree and probably deserves to be fed slowly into an industrial wheat thresher.
Forum Participant: "Has anybody seen the new season of Family Guy yet? i hear it's very funny"

drummer: "Don get cocky, or you ban!"

Forum Participant: "I was asking a simple question!"

drummer: "right that it, you ban"

Forum Participant: "You can't do that!"

drummer: "i can lawlz, i drummer, girl think i seksy"
by LOLZORDZ October 17, 2007
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Someone who hangs out with musicians
The other day our band had a practice. Our drummer was there but he didn't play.
by Mike the Ekim April 9, 2005
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Inferior alternative to a drum machine for a band that can't afford a synth.
There are too many examples to mention. Animal from "The Muppet Show" was a drummer. Enough said.
by vince The Fox December 12, 2010
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When someone you dont find attractive stares at you often, and for lengthy periods of time, the uneasy feeling you get is called, "Drummered"
John: Damn dude, i had to leave the room, Ed was staring at me for a solid 7 minutes, i started feeling real Drummered
Pat: Yea man, hes a real creeper.
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