The giant inflatable banana that Matt Powell named and keeps in his backyard.
Matt Powell has a giant inflatable banana in his backyard which he names Dr. Peel
by Thomas91o April 28, 2021
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racist youtube who said the n word to a black person
1 : wanna watch dr stowaters?
2 : no hes racist
by miovw January 28, 2022
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A member of the scp foundation who has an entire rule book on what he can't do
Fuck tress I climb clouds motherfucker- Dr Bright
by Link_fd June 24, 2017
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When something is dirty rotten!!!


when you do something dirty rotten.


when you do something bad on a good friend
example 1-

Man: (farts)

Woman: ewww you're soo dr!!!

example 2-

John: You're pure dr! That woman you pulled last night was DR!

Mick: It wasn't my fault I was drunk.

exaple 3-

Aidan: who'd you pull last night Sean?

Sean: Regina.

Aidan: BUT that's Paddys woman.

Sean: I know but don't tell Paddy.

Aidan: aw Sean that's DR! It's your friends woman!
by MarieLouise October 25, 2007
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A Dr. Tu is:
1. NOT a medical doctor; has a doctorate degree in biology
2. A biology and vertebrate zoology teacher at Stuyvesant High School in New York City
3. A very nice woman
4. A teacher in which who's class you will fail
5. A teacher in which who's class you will wish you were dead
6. A teacher who's class makes you realize that you've been doing everything wrong and that your life is a failure and that you might as well just give up on anything and everything.
by YASFUCCITUP December 16, 2013
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The only man you call when it good. A supreme figure in many people’s lives.
“Bro deaf people can listen to music it’s just not the same but it good’
“Bro I gotta call Dr. MoveIt about this”
by Elflord123 October 28, 2019
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A bald man. This type of person is usually a bit camp. They exhibit bent properties and tend to be a dickhead.
dr logan: im bald eeeat me
amarye: ish neil
neil: i wanna smack your bold head
dr logan: im gonna touch you!!
by amelia is fiya October 15, 2018
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