A boy who is tall with brown eyes and dark hair. He is someone who presents himself as an overall confident guy and comes across cocky at times. He attracts girls from his fun, party-like nature. He is machismo. He gets crazy jealous and possessive of a girl he falls for. Don't do something that he doesn't like because he will take an eye for an eye. He punishes those close to him that he feels is not treating him right. He constantly feels like his friends are leaving him out of everything. He has trouble maintaining friends due to his egocentric attitude. He keeps everyone at a distance and has a great fear of letting people in. He is very secretive and keeps things to himself. He has more problems than he lets anyone know about. He is someone who fears abandonment. Due to this, he settled for less when he could have had the world. Doug is the type of person who never forgets the past and will always hold onto those who made a special place in his heart. He especially remembers the one that got away.
"Doug thinks we are excluding him again.."

"I wonder if Doug regrets the choice he made many moons ago."
by Iimc December 8, 2018
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The coolest person ever, he is so cool chuck norris wants his autograph. he is smoother than Keith Stone. He is also the god of Beer Pong. But don't piss him off or me might scream at a child, hes just that awesome!
man did you see Doug and how kick ass he is.
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To act in a way that is some what, "muggish" or "annoying." This term is used many times when a fellow friend acts in a way you do not wish them to.
Jane: "OMG what is he doing?"
Matt: "Yeah, I know what you mean. He's being a Doug."
by Henri S October 8, 2007
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"Doug" is a name given to a stereotypical man. someone who likes to party, have a drink with 'the lads' and chase the ladies. "Dougs" often use cheesy phrases and seem to have rather low standards in women.
Man#1 and Man#2 drinking at a bar when two girls walk past.
Man#1: Hey girls, want two tickets to the gun show ? *flexes arm*
Man#2: oh shut up, Doug!
by Dutch09 August 16, 2009
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To become extremely drunk the point of exposing ones genitals and seeing people
oh shit, doug got dougged last night and showed the hotness again
by Mike November 19, 2004
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A term used in when discretely talking about marijuana.

A way of communicating to others that one intends to smoke marijuana soon but, with less heads than are currently in the group.
Nah man, Dom, Joe and I got to go meet those niggas Doug and Ralph at Discovering the Waterfront.
by CPR. January 27, 2009
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