A crazy old tree hugging hippie who constantly spurts out the onomotopia "BAH!"
Dina climbed a tree to look for tofu..
by Pancakes March 23, 2003
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A Jewish law followed by modern orthodox Jews which says that the law of the government is also Jewish law.
"Yo there's a full sender banger going down wanna pull up with the boys?" "I can't go to sleep late bro. Dina Malchuta Dina after all."
or "Wyd, put on your seatbelt man! Cmon, dina malchuta dina!"
or "Yo Chayav Inish?" "Nah man. Dina malchuta dina, after all."
by ehrliche bochur April 3, 2019
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more than the max of creepiness, stalkerness, wierdness and psycho combined. the point where you should be in an insane asylum
person 1: like omg she is so wierd she told she was gonna leave me a rose on my door step on my birthday. wth man!

person 2: yo thats just wierd, no thats fucking dina. damn psycho
by Brito337 August 22, 2010
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You don’t like the boys you date and don't get attached and avoid the suffering.
"I'm going to do a Dina to Jake cause fuck that man"
by December 11, 2020
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Dina is a beautiful Iranian girl, she has brown hair and round glasses, she is extremely smart and gorgeous, she is literally the definition of gorgeous and most likely to have a great future with her 2 siblings
Boy1- dina is so gorgeous

Boy2- ikr she is like so hot I love her
Boy1- too bad she is taken
by Khalid’s stalker May 27, 2019
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The woman of fortune born and destined to be in wedlock with a male following the religion of Hinduism rhyming with manveer mingh so Ranveer Singh. Who she will spend the rest of her life with. Keeping him very happy and satisfied as a partner. She may also have a very strong desire along her path of marriage to have an affair with a man whose origins are from Peshawar, Pakistan who worked up his fame to stardom whose name means prince like khan; {shah rukh khan}. A woman with great destiny and fortune.
Wow she's so lucky being married and having ranveer singh tied around her finger and she has shah rukh khan lusting her. She must be a Dina.

My jigar ka tukhda? Must be a Dina.

Oh lahu moon lag Gaya? He must've kissed a Dina.

Silsila yeh chahat ka na maina bujj ne diya, she's a true lover for never losing passion. Definitely a Dina.

Ishq Tera dishkqayoon? It's a Dina

She turned as red as a Dina!
by Dina July 28, 2014
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a funny but very open lady who lives in north london
Dina u are pulling ur 32 boy of the day
by Pip September 22, 2003
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