Nobody is perfect, except Destiny. She is perfect in every way. Her beautiful smile, her laugh, her sparkling eyes, and her beauty. You will fall in love with her the second you lay eyes on her and you will fall more in love with her every day after that. You will melt into her eyes and holding her in your arms is the greatest feeling in the world because you know she is yours and nobody else's, you never want to let her go. She is a princess. Anyone would be lucky to have a Destiny in their lives and I am one of those lucky ones :)
It is your Destiny you two met, well it truly is.
by erockskinnys March 18, 2013
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A very beautiful girl with short brown hair. She has a very unique name which makes her a very unique person. You are very lucky if you find a destiny. She is a person with very mixed emotions. Lots of guys like her but only she only wants ONE guy that is very mean to her. Destiny will always support you if you need anything and you should always return the favor so u guys and be very close.
Woah is that a DESTINY?”
“Your dating a DESTINY?, your so lucky”
by heydad23 September 28, 2018
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N., from Latin destinare, "to determine", derivative of stare, "to stand". One of the funniest, loudest, craziest, most amazing people you'll ever meet. The Destiny I know is beautiful, though she doesn't think so. She is Hispanic, and REALLY long black hair (impossible not to touch), brown eyes, and an absolutely stunning talent for singing, dancing, acting and drawing make Destiny stand out from the crowd. She loves TV, and her mother tells her to pay attention to the actors to help with her career in drama, which is already in progress despite her young age. On that topic, Destiny may be a little dramatic at times, but most of the time she solves problems with her sarcasm and wit. Destiny sometimes has a tendency to ignore texts, but who doesn't at some point? I admire that Destiny is extremely stubborn, and she never lets anyone push her over like I do.

To sum up, Destiny is...

D- determined
E- enthusiastic
S- singer
T- taken :(
I- incredible
N- never irritating
Y- young? Idk, not good at acrostic poems.

Me: She said that to you! What did you say?

Destiny: I told her to go f*** a tree.


Destiny: I'm going to Rhode Island for a casting call.

Me: Get me a tee-shirt?


Destiny: *in the middle of laughing* ahahahah, lol.
by Her BFF :) April 13, 2013
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Destiny is an amazing girl you should never let go. She puts a smile on your face at the worst times. She is a girl you will fall in love with the minute you meet her. She can make a bad day go from bad to amazing. You will miss this girl every day if you let her go. You will want to spend the rest of your life with this girl. I regret ever loosing this girl. I wish i could get another chance.
Everyone wishes they could date a destiny.
by EvanTheOwl December 20, 2018
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Destiny is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She seems harsh, people may even warn you about her. But those are the kind of people who will judge a book by it´s cover. Luckily, she knows that. Destiny will love you like you have never been loved. She´ll give you 100% as long as you will return the favor. She is the best friend you can ask for. She is a needy girlfriend, but you will happily give into those needs, and she will cater to your needs with all her heart. Do not mistake her for being easy. She knows her worth. She is insecure, doesn't realize how {beautiful she really is. Which makes her even prettier. If you are lucky enough to have a Destiny in your life, keep her close and never let her go. She is one in a million. Having her in your life, is like winning the jackpot. There will be ups and downs. She'll push you away, and when she does it's up to you to stand up to her. Let her know you are not going anywhere. She needs a lot of comfirmation and will sometimes try to get it in the wrong way. That is when you need to be honest with her, and show her that you will stay. Show her that you will not leave her. Show her that she can always fall back on you. She is complicated. She is loving. And that's what makes her so worth the while. That's what makes her Destiny.
´Destiny is a form of happiness
by NaomiKirsten24 August 15, 2019
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Destiny is a sweet girl, she has many problems from her past but is strong and persevered. You shouldn't mess with Destiny she has had too much disappointment in her past for that. If you get the chance to date Destiny you should try your hardest to keep her.
I think I'm in love with Destiny
by Skyygirl26 October 18, 2019
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destiny is a cute girl! she can always steal your heart she’s always up for cuddles and should be treated like a princess. beautiful eyes and smile. usually long hair and lives in the u.s.a funny, skinny, amazingly hot girl. always there for anyone. she’s just a destiny
hey that girl over there is super cute!!

oh her names probably destiny
by softball9090 February 6, 2021
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