1.A permanent, endless fucking vacation.
2.A get-away-from-it all, also a-never-come-back, unless by a higher power.
3.THE END......THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!
"I can't go to school to day, we're going on vacation......to heaven, or hell.
"I need to get away....were is my gun?"
"If you ever need to get away, you know who to call."
"It's the vacation of a lifetime, also the end of it."
by Jotaku December 20, 2004
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A particularly long time spent in the ground
or in the right cases "Sleepin' with the fishes"

Dude, I wanna be buried with a Gameboy.
by Keefe-hatesyou June 19, 2009
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A state of being that is possible to bestow only insofar as it is not attained.
'I only remember two kisses - the first and the last. The first, with my love and the last, with death. The first brought happiness and the last relief!'
--Srijit Prabhakaran
by Killing Kittens June 21, 2004
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Something that will happen to a person regardless, but how it happens differs, such as a 12 year old girl gets raped and murdered and a guy gets fucked by a horse and dies. It all differs in which you fate is in, you pretty much decide how you are going to die or you may not. You might except it, you might try to forget about it, but it is going to happen and it is what it is. And if you read this you might get hit by a automobile.
" Death Sucks the fat one "
by Mr potts March 6, 2009
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what we are all striving for and looking forward to
some people are lucky enough to experience this perfection earlier than others, especially thoose individuals living on the continent of AFRICA
bob: i cant wait for the Eternal Slumber ie Death
by cbk1989 January 2, 2010
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A mysterious figure in a black cloak that takes people to the afterlife. Usually hangs out at White Castle .
Timmy ate at White Castle, and now hes dead.
by Zero January 3, 2004
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