1.An asian pornstar dealing smack off the coast of brasil.
2. An incredibally hot specimen
3. A really hot, tight leather thong that hangs out of one's pants.
1.Damn, look at that Davi, she is a total pornstar.
2. Jessica Beil isn't hot enough to be a davi!
3. She needs to put her davi away!
by Chester Maximus November 19, 2007
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"Dildo" A foreign object commonly inserted into a womens vagina or a mans anus.
John "Jack" Davis prefers a "davis" up his anal hole.
by Jack Davis July 18, 2006
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A total jerk to the ones he most dislikes, but a hella nice guy to the ones he likes. Stands up for the one he loves, even if the opposite person hasn't truly accepted him. Has a funny personality, isnt always the nicest guy around, but tries hard enough with the ones he approves of for himself. Also can be pretty shy when actually seeing or making a move towards the person he loves. He is an attractive sexy amazing man who has pride in himself and everything he does and for good reason (he is a jack of all trades) he carries himself with pride and presents himself with confidence when Davi loves he gives his all and will devote himself into you being happy he can bring a smile to any woman’s face and a frown to every man he comes around because they see him as a threat
Who is that man with Kristina?
That’s Davi ,she’s hell’a lucky!!!
by fireFly77 January 3, 2020
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A sweet young man who will never let your heart down and when u are down he will always cheer u up. He loves sports and is really smart and very cute
by Cupcakes1 May 5, 2019
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Davis is a ferda kid who has a huge dick and usually has long beautiful hair and is usually a hockey player
by My name is jay May 23, 2019
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sick asf never does uncool things bangs bitches all day and has a 3 inch punisher. Not to mention thinks that people named troy are incompetent degenerates.
i am davis
by Name Davis January 11, 2020
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A generic reference to someone who is contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Incorporates aspects of being a ponce, a hater and playa hater, with a cheeky to smug undertone.
Hey man, that smarmy git over there just tried to assert that Churchill was slim as a pole, for no reason but to irk me. Such a Davie"
by Pontifex Potens February 15, 2012
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