noun: one who does not tip the pizza Driver.
Manager: How much did the crum bum tip ya?
Driver: Exact amout check
by Jimmy D October 13, 2003
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What a U.S. Marine calls his hand, also known as a meat hook or dick skinner.
Get that filthy crum snatcher out of my face before I rip your head off and shove it down your throat.
by C_Dog23 April 11, 2006
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When you're done having hot sex and you leave the outcome on your partner's sweaty torso.
Me and Hana were fucking so hard I pulled a Crum Top .
by SirSassafras May 23, 2017
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Stealing bread crumbs that people feed pigeons usually because of lack of money
I couldn't get a reservation in a good restaurant so we went bread crumming
by davidm998 January 30, 2017
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Someone who has little motivation to better their life and will be a lifer foreverchild.
I've been one before.
Takes one to know one.
You can grow out of it, if you don't have severe brain damage.
crum bum
by PineappleJuice March 14, 2015
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The King of Crumland and sworn enemy of evil Vigor the Viking. He has six knights of the Round Table, but Vigor kidnapped them and hid them around King Crum's Castle, but Crum is too helpless and confused to find them.

It is used to describe a person who possesses power or political significance, but is too helpless or weak to deal with the issue at hand.
Ex 1: Did you hear about that politician who couldn't vote on the bill because he didn't know which side to support? He's a regular King Crum.

Ex 2: President Taft is considered to be the King Crum of America's history.
by J.R. Spotswood November 18, 2013
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