She was cranky pated today.
by Vegans May 14, 2021
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when a guy puts his mouth over the girls vagina and she queefs directly into his mouth
I can still taste my girlfriends queef after that cranky grandpa she gave me this morning.
by cit October 28, 2006
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A chronically frustrated state of physical intimacy where the participants are too tired or grumpy to have sex, but too horny to give up trying.
They were both horny as hell, but after last night's fight Carl couldn't shake his anger and Jen still wanted revenge. Stuck in bed and unable to get past first base they settled for three and a half hours of cranky panky.
by Weathered&Pressed August 18, 2018
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A place where new illegal immigrants, typically Asian, work under the guise of massage therapists but actually give hand jobs for money. They often do this to pay off the debts they have incurred from being smuggled into the country.
If she loses her job as a sushi waitress, she'll have to go back to the yankee cranky shop.
by boardroomjimmy May 2, 2007
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When you and your friends are blazed, but there is that one motherfucker that ain't high because of some "vow" that they made to never smoke and is just a cranky ass motherfucker because he isn't flying high like the rest of us.
"Dude, why is Bob so fuckin annoying tonight?"

"He's always annoying, you know he doesn't smoke, and just likes to be a cranky non high."
by shoorock October 4, 2011
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a term for no conutry for old men or someone who is being a brat whome you where going to give something to but now arent.
"if you keep acting that way there will be no cookies for old crankies"
by daveydogood April 4, 2009
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