A drink with a roofie in it. Prepare to be raped.
Bill Cosby slipped her a bill cosby. When she passed out, her went to town.
by Eggplant0 November 25, 2014
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The act of drugging and then taking sexual advantage of a woman.
From South Park:

Cartman: Have you given her the ol' Hot Cosby yet?
Butters: No, we saw a movie and now we're going to the park.
Cartman: Butters, we don't have time for that. I told you, you have to cut to the chase with a Hot Cosby.
Butters: If I'm going to be with this girl, I don't want her someday thinking it was all super-rushed.
Cartman: Nobody cares about 40 years from now when she suddenly changes her mind, Butters. Time is of the essence; we're all going to die!
by General Chaos September 24, 2015
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Something you spray into a vehicle's intake in order to get it to start, usually starting fluid, but can also include brake clean.
"It won't fuckin' start, bud."
"Give 'er some Cosby Sauce, she'll run."
by Vermont Slang December 19, 2020
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You need these things: 1. Your choice of your favorite Powerade or Gatorade. (Or Four Loko if you're feeling like a hard ass. WARNING: this will probably kill you should you decide to use Four Loko. I'm Sooper srs. Don't do it.). 2. Any type of gummy snack. Whether it be gummy bears or Gushers or gummy worms, etc. 3. Any flavor of Skittles (yes they have to be Skittles. Any Skittles will do but they have to be Skittles).

Then you mix these contents in a bowl and consume them. Then proceed to watch the world around you slow down to a point where you think you are the fastest man alive and proceed to run around the world. When in reality you are having the worst/best (depending on how you look at things) sugar rush in the world and fell into a diabetic coma. There is also the rare occasion that all the questions in the universe will become answered upon consumption, causing you to become insane.

Then you wake up four hours later wondering why your legs are gone.

It's called Cosby Cereal because of the mesh of bright and colorful items used to make this cereal. Much like the sweaters Bill Cosby from The Cosby Show.
Cosby Cereal is the extreme version of fruit loops. EXTREME.
by Jak_Smiley December 29, 2014
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A beverage that has been spiked with drugs, and given to an uknowing person so the scumbag who gave it can have their way with them.
Hey did you see that guy give that lady a Bill Cosby!? Im going to tell. Her he put something in her drink.
by L0nestar November 28, 2014
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