She is smart, kind and caring but mess her around and she'll break. Caitlin is fragile so treat her with respect. Caitlin doesnt always show her emotions and can be quite shy but when you get to know her she is lovable and generous
Caitlin is over there
by Anonymous123567901 July 30, 2019
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Caitlin is the irish name for pure.
usually has dark hair and eyes. Always a beautiful exotic face with a captivating smile and laugh. model looks, with big tits. and really good at blowjobs.

the nicest girl you'll ever meet but usually a little shy and wants the guy to make the first big move. but when not shy is hilarious and fun to be around.
person1: whos that hot ass girl shes looks kinda shy
person2: oh thats just a caitlin.
by Troy12345 December 27, 2008
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The Gaelic spelling for a shortened form of Catherine or Kathleen. It's an Irish name meaning "pure essence". It's also an extremely common name.
The only correct way to spell this name. It does not include: Caitlyn, Catelyn, Catelin, Kaitlin, Kaitlyn, Katelyn, Katelin, etc.
She's a girl often so amazingly indescribable that no guy will ever deserve her. They say the name Caitlin means that she is often red-headed and dancing in the halls, in addition to being beautiful inside and out. She is classy.
Everyone loves her. She's not selfish and thinks of others constantly. She loves nice people and animals. She's much more mature then her age. She has a beautiful exotic face with a captivating smile and laugh. With model looks, she's the sweetest girl with the cutest personality that you'll ever meet, but usually a little shy and wants the guy to make the first big move. She has the effect of brightening up someone's day (even just by smiling). But when she's not shy she is really loud, really hilarious and really fun to be around. She smells really nice too. Not to mention her sense of humor, her hint of sarcasm.
Me: My name is Caitlin and I have dirty blonde hair and big brown eyes. My username is on urban dictionary is Caitlin13579.

Random Person: God, Caitlin is Amazing, I want to be her...

Random Person 2: Wow, Caitlin is everything I've ever wanted to be...

Me: Aweee! :) <3 xoxo
by Caitlin13579 July 2, 2011
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When one goes in for the kiss, closes their eyes, but misses the intended target; the mouth; and kisses the neck, chin, ect...
1. Dude we were in the dark movie theater when she gave a Caitlin and kissed my chin. It totally ruined the mood and we just awkwardly sat through the rest of the movie
by WhoNose March 7, 2014
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The most gorgeous girl in the world. She has an amazing personality, a kind heart, and overall ability to be adorable.
Caitlin is loved by everyone in the world.
by Arterial Spray April 22, 2011
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A very opinionated girl, who loves to be around her friends. She tries to be understanding, but if you make her mad, plan to have a target on your back for the rest of your life.
She tends to try and be friends with everybody, but can commonly be read as a loud person who talks a lot... but she's just outgoing and nice.
She is beautiful both inside and outside.
Guy One: I heard you're going on a date with that chick over there.
Guy Two: Yeah. I really scored, she's a Caitlin.
Guy One: A Caitlin?
Guy Three: Caitlin's are great, but you better treat her with respect... Or else she'll kick your sorry butt.
Guy Two: Don't worry about that, she's a keeper.
by I Got Your Back Girl! July 4, 2011
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Any Caitlin you meet will bring so much light into your life, she tends to be short but don't be fooled by that because she is scarily strong. don't ever dare a Caitlin to drink because she will, but regardless of how much she drinks you will still have the best time. Caitlins are great listeners when it comes to any problem but not when you tell her to not nap as she treats it like its an Olympic sport. when your friends with Caitlin you'll find your friendship is built of insults and sarcasm, but she has a witty sense of humor and brings the banter wherever she goes and cheers up a room instantly. Caitlin is incredibly trustworthy and you can trust her with your deepest secrets.

dont get on the wrong side of Caitlin because she is very good at giving the cold shoulder and may hold a grudge.
you'll be very lucky to have a friend like Caitlin, even though her taste in music is questionable sometimes.'
that caitlin has a questionable taste in music
by GCgonzalles April 12, 2020
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