1. slack jawed yokel, white trash
2. big, slow black man who will love your ass
3. a fatty
All the bubbas find their way to Skippers for some deep fried lovin!
by Bud E Love May 7, 2003
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A nickname for a boy, usually the second born boy in the family. Given to the boy by his immediate and/or distant family members, it means
"Hmm you are way cuter than your brother"

Yet since immediate and/or distant family members cannot come out and straight up tell the older brother he is the less attractive being, they call the younger one BUBBA, a seemingly creepy name while in reality it is quite flattering.

"This is our eldest son....*PUSH* oh and this is BUBBA! Isn't he so adorable?!? He will succeed in life. LoveLOveLOVE"

by Keena N00b March 1, 2006
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A biracial male that identifies as black. He proves being a racist by identify a roll up door pull rope knob as a noose that has been there since 2019. He believes everyone is against him.
Oh shit bubba is racing again this week.
by Playerfromthe80's June 24, 2020
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A mini keg of beer sold in Canada.
(from commercial)
"Bubbababa...beer, beer, beer..."
by DJyellow October 14, 2003
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Bubba is basically a huge black ghetto guy who has "bitches" in prison they are usually small and weak inmates as he is in prison. He tends to ass rape his "bitches" and does other weird things like stick his big black veiny penis in their ears so they go deaf and struggle to walk ever again from the butt rape. He will give them pet names like "little white Alison" or "Betty strangle pussy" to make him seem less homosexual than he already is. He does this because he lacks in sexual activity and is over all desperate this is where the term "drop the soap" comes from because if you bend over to pick up the soap you aint ever gunna get back up.
"did you see Bubba ass rape lil' Timmy yesterday"
by Bubba-saur November 20, 2015
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An even bigger bolic black dude then requis.

Bubba is beasty, his c**k is greasy, don't drop the soap or you get the meatsy
Prisoner 1: Aw shit my cellmate is requis.
Prisoner 2: Consider yourself lucky I got Bubba.
Prisoner 1: Oh god don't drop the soap.
by Domb_Bomb October 12, 2020
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Heavy set man, of middle ages, with no foreskin. Who eats beans with everything
"Bubba you want beans?"

"Am wantin beans on everything"
That's Bubba Ray Dudley 3D
by smudgerdavie September 2, 2015
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