When you cum in a woman/man’s butthole, then the the woman/man shits cum and poop in your mouth and you spit the shit and cum in each other’s mouths.
In class, I gave my teacher a Boston cream pie.”
by Mr. Pinto PhD November 22, 2020
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When a person dumps milk into ones asshole and a man continues to put there dick inside for someone to lick off.
by Sid yellow-dick October 13, 2009
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When a man ejaculates in a womans vagina, then proceeds to take a dump in her vagina after, followed up by eating the girl out.
Last night was so great! Johnny totally boston cream pied me!
boston cream pie cum cleveland steamer
by Psychoepidemic October 11, 2010
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The act of male on female anal sex culminating in fellatio.
Oh man, did my mouth stink after giving that guy a reverse boston cream.
by MoZZeReTH February 24, 2011
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When two people are caught in the act of giving and receiving a blow job behind a dumpster at a Tim Horton's.
"Shit! Did you see that? That girl was giving that Tim Horton's worker a Boston Cream Blow-Nut behind that dumpster!!"
by Karebear124 December 1, 2009
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when a man poops on a girls stomach, then splooges on the mound of poop.
dude #1 - Hey did you give your girl a cleavland steam roller last night?
dude #2 - nah man, i gave her this new shit called the boston cream pie!
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when a male ejaculates into a woman's mouth and she slowly spits it back into the pee hole... delicious
This girl gave me a reverse boston cream pie and now I have to go to the doctor for this UTI.
by Boston Robby Bobby Pudding Pie February 20, 2011
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