A man that whorships the one true religion. The one with Badlandschugs and Mackes flinta as the holy prophets. May the day never come when Busjontti will have a grip on him. That will be the last day we'll hear SIIIIIIIIII.
Bomba look out for Busjontti
Bomba is a real SIIIIIIII
by MannenChugsSIIII December 10, 2019
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1. An annoying guy who looks up relatives on Google Maps when he's supposed to be doing something else.
2. An explosive guitar
1. Bombas, stop stalking your grandma!
2. Cool bro, is that the new Yamaha Bombas?
by BumChops42 May 3, 2022
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A derogatory term used towards Muslims, derived from the word bomber, made into a word of power by the youth of Islam. Used to represent peace, loyalty, strength and brotherhood.
H: what‘s good bomba

C: chillin

H: word
by haadi1015 May 28, 2020
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A fancier way of describing an exposition.
Someone drooped a big bomba in the tolet
by Mr. Breast June 3, 2023
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"BOMBA... is the term used when something is "absolutely in the moment and spectacular with an extreme amount of energy and pizazz. bomba can be used in any circumstance dealing with insanity, absurdity, enjoyment, and in an exotic atmosphere."
I am going out with my friends, it will be so bomba!
by gracealexakelly July 17, 2021
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people who are big. Fat or just people who eat a lot.
Sara: Milagros you eat to much your a bomba. But.. not psychically just mentally.

Milagros: I know, i eat too mcuh.
by Orange._S0da?🐸✨ May 20, 2022
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Bombas: someone who hangs out, trains, goes to parties and ultimately #StealsYourGirl.

Full Bombas: To go Full Bombas is the equivalent of cucking your mate and making his girl fall in love with you (The Bombas)
Guy 1: DAMN! is Nick talking to Sams girl?!
Guy 2: Yeah, he's been a Bombas with her for a while now...

Guy 1: DAMN! Nick and Sams girl are dating now?!
Guy 2: Yeah, he went Full Bombas on her...
by OfficialSkinnyP August 19, 2018
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