Years ranging from 1990-1992.
1993 is not a part of Early 90s.
by L.D.P. November 27, 2019
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The best fucking whiskey in a plastic bottle.
Last night I drank some Early Times in a miniature golf castle.
by Cal Ski Team #1 September 13, 2006
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Something you say to those people who are being loud as hell when it's early in the morning
Basically another way to say shut the fuck up
Loud freshman kid at 7:00 AM when school just started: OMG TODAY IS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY! I FINALLY BOUGHT A PROM TICKET! I' M GOING TO-
Me: Kid it's too early., so shut your ass up.
by paypal2 September 20, 2019
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A person who communicates intimate details about their personal life when you've only just met them in an innappropriate, mental alarm-bell ringing way. They may well lack true friends to do this with and so try to make you their new BF.
"I just cannot bear that girl, man, she's such an early sharer. Five minutes after I met her she was talking about her and her boyfriend's sexual problems and he was RIGHT THERE!"
by minkymary December 14, 2009
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A person who is typically the first to purchase new technologies before they become popular in an effort to look interesting. They can be easily identified by the dozens of boxes in their basement filled with crap like Nook Ereaders, Zune mp3 players, Google Glasses and AOL email addresses as well as their remarkably small retirement savings accounts.
Our tech startup is failing because we only hired early adopters with attention spans similar to goldfish.
by halal9000 April 26, 2019
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An "Early Bloomer" is a super sexy and horny, non-adult teenage chick, who must therefore be avoided by horny adult males at all cost!
"God damn, look at that sexy bitch!"

"She's an Early Bloomer dude. You better stay away from that shit, unless you feel like going to prison and getting butt raped a hundred times for one fun statuatory rape."

"Thanks for the tip Bro!"
by Peter Crammer November 21, 2006
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a way of measuring evening time before watches and clocks became common household objects.
In former times people used to read early candlelight
by William Warney July 27, 2009
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