taking a laxative to poop after eating so much, that your stomach looks pregnant (see, food baby).
After I ate so much I looked like I had a food baby, I had to take a laxative, and I had a food baby abortion a few hours earlier.
by Jenif4 October 13, 2010
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to drop a deuce of significant mass and girth
to have a food baby, or not to have a food baby,

that is the question
by Ae5Ea8 November 23, 2016
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taking a crap

in relation to food baby.
i just miscarried my food baby.
by barbabelle October 24, 2008
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An expression used when eating too much (and thus getting a food baby) induces a stomach ache. Often associated with menstrual cramps exacerbated by over-eating. "Baby" may also be pronounced "bebe".
Why did I eat that third piece of pizza and then the fro yo? My food baby is kicking like hell.
by Architect of Destruction October 25, 2010
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Food that is unseasoned, bland tasting and mushy. Also, tasteless, bland, boring, uninspiring, unseasoned. baby, toddler, infant, food, tasteless, bland, boring, spicy, hot, exciting
I can’t take any more of this baby food. Let’s face it, my wife can’t cook.
by joecoolthefool October 9, 2017
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A protruding stomach caused by eating a large quantity of food and supposedly resembling that of a woman in the early stages of pregnancy.
A very small bump was visible in the tight frock, although it could easily have been mistaken for a food baby.
by xxBlackRainxx September 16, 2022
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