A person who sits in a chair behind a computer and leads people or at least attempts to, instead of doing it in person. Usually complains about government, organization, military, political, or religious events through blogs, forums, and social networking sites.
Forum administrator, "Wow, these people are really getting angry, they might start a rally for real soon."

Forum administrator2, "nah, they're just a bunch of armchair generals, they won't do anything if it means having to get up and move around."
by Orzo Nacirema February 25, 2010
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Any person who does not have the intelligence or experience to even begin to understand the world's economies but decides their opinions are what will return the world to a time of prosperity anyway. These people often make no effort to even consider the possibility that people who do this for a living are acting in the best interest of the majority.
I heard some armchair economist say, "if the government gave everyone a new Chevy, that would fix the economy".
by T_i_m_o March 20, 2009
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Person who is is knowledgeable but casual about philosophical or existential ideas. Unlike an academic philosopher, an armchair philosopher deals with subjective experiences, opinions, and personal issues. They refer to theories and ideas but do not emphasize or prioritize them; they use big ideas to discuss real time questions.
I had a great conversation with Lydia about my commitment issues, she helped me see my problem in a new light. I guess she is an armchair philosopher.
by bittTTT September 15, 2016
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One who always sits on the sidelines because he/she can't get in the game and verbalizes dumbisms to make themselves feel superior.
You know that El is always being an Armchair Buster, dropping salt from the sideline on my game. He needs to get some business and stay out of mine!
by PDeezy June 26, 2012
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A typical loser who sits in front of their computer all day talking about different martial arts techniques and styles and how one style is better than another and how one technique can defeat another technique.

Often they lack any real martial arts experience since the only martial arts training they have had was from watching Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee or Steven Seagal films and/or reading Martial Arts manuals.

They have often only trained a few months in a martial art, if at all, and rely on stories that they had heard as case studies to prove that the style they had trained in is better than the other.
Armchair Samurai 1: You know all you really need to defeat a guy who's trying to do a takedown is to use dim mak. It'll stop his heart. I mean that's what my uncle's cousin's room mate did... and he read Bruce Lee's book so it's supposed to work.
by n00bert Jones January 23, 2010
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Noun: to summarize, one who sits around and acts like they're an expert on something, yet they've had no involvement or factual research of it.

A typical armchair philosopher is somebody who is a complete know-it-all, usually a douchebag or self-declared intellectual. They always feel the need to seem intellectually superior to others, by continuously arguing about any subject they see in media, conversations, etc. and quoting themselves as experts on the subject. Most conversations with armchair philosophers contain their opinions restated as knowledge, false or misheard/rumored "facts", and other idiocy. Especially noted is how armchair philosophers typically do nothing to prove their intelligence: they sit around on the sidelines and make judgements where careful analysis is needed. Topics can range anywhere from video games on a message board to the origins of the universe. They are also extremely prevalent on the Internet, where they can act douchey under the guise of anonymity. This is a common form of trolling.

Armchair philosophers are named after the old stereotype of old rich men in robes smoking pipes, sitting by the fire, pretending to know a thing about politics.

It is also notable, especially concerning the under-descriptive and generic language and baseless accusations, plus the long-winded description of armchair pholisophers, that this entire definition is composed of armchair philosophy.
Jake is such a damn armchair philosopher, acting like he's known that Senate election candidate his whole life. He's probably never even voted!
by dontkillalljewspls March 20, 2010
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An idiot who reads a news story somewhere online such as Yahoo or Facebook and is quick to make a comment about the case coming up with a conclusion without any evidence of their own and/or disregarding the facts reported.
Shut the fuck up you dumb ass armchair detective. Learn how to read and let the facts come out before you open your stupid mouth.
by Reckless Mindset December 29, 2017
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