Don't trust an Annika. Doesn't care about you & your problems, and will betray you. If she doesn't like you, she WILL spread disgusting rumors about you. Never be friends with an Annika or it will go horribly wrong. Very mean and she will call you names. Acts like she's the victim when she's not.
Look at her! She's acting like the victim. Ugh, what an Annika.
by JUSTmonikaJUSTmonika June 8, 2019
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Annika is a potato looking pick me brat. She will share too much information with you and if you say ok, she will beat you up with her ‘roasts’. Annika will force you to be her friend and force you to be with her every second of the day. She seriously deserves to be smacked by a concrete block and be sharted on.
Annika looks like ms. potato head and acts like the damn grinch.
by idkstudios December 3, 2022
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A 3 foot 2 kid that pretends to be a girl but is secretly a boy. She is really loud and annoying. She constantly makes very dirty jokes and sends memes no one finds funny.
Person 1: Do you see that kid over there?
Person 2: Yeah she’s so annoying.
Person 1: Her name must be Annika.
by Autisticturd March 7, 2020
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if you see a tall gorgeous girl that is creative then it’s most likely an annika. she is outgoing and everybody loves her. her sarcasm is out of this world. flirting without realizing is just a part of her life.. annika’s are the most fun type of people to be around. she loves old music and R&B and loves nature. overall annikas are usually the best kinda people
“wow is she an annika”
i think so she’s super gorgeous
by stopstopstopstop October 23, 2018
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Annika is the most amazing person in the world. She might seem shy at first but sure as heck isn't. She is super tall and pretty. If you see an Annika make sure to be friends with her. Shes like a unicorn
Annika is so pretty! Look at her dark brown hair and eyes!
by bobicka October 19, 2018
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witty, radiating, lovely creature with big bright eyes and an interest in muscial sounds.
oh, it's was great. it was very annika.
by tzuhr March 12, 2010
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usually is mean when drunk and attracts older men with her long legs and pretty face, can handle her alc and drinks a shit ton of it. when she’s at parties with older men they just can’t resist trying to catch a case but sometimes she lets them cause they seem to smack her line a lot
25 year old: bro have u seen annika tonight she’s so hot
19 year old: omg i know and she drank a full handle of tito’s so so hot
by soccerlovrr June 13, 2018
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