When I write posts I guess I am completely animated..
I was working with a younger colleague during lunch… and suddenly he is on the floor laughing because of my facial expressions and hand gestures…. My response, I blushed and turned my back. He kept laughing
You want to see how animated I am?😍🥰
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Japanese animation not porn. Anime porn is called hentai.
by John March 8, 2005
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Japanese animation. The term applies to many different forms of Japanese animation, not just the kind with over-proportioned eyes and heads, exaggerated features, and revealing clothing.
This term sometimes refers to non-Japanese animation using similar styles.

Anime is NOT:
Japanese animated porn: See definition on hentai.
Only for nerds/geeks: Would you say all cartoons are for nerds/geeks?
Strongly masculine/feminine: Some are masculine, like Fullmetal Alchemist, and some are feminine, like Princess Ai.
Afro Samurai, Ayakashi, Black Cat, Cardcaptor Sakura, D. Gray-man, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hanasaku Iroha, Nana, Naruto, Princess Ai, Yu-Gi-Oh

List of notable anime shows.
by Redstone Convergence May 22, 2013
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a disease that happens once a year to all anime fans when an anime convention appears.

It can cause dicoloration of the hair,skin, sometimes eyes. There is random cosplaying and seeing countless anime characters everywhere. Also people have been known to take pictures of you in your cosplay. The more extreme/amazing the cosplay the more pictures would be taken.
They hold an anime convention all over the world and held in certain towns to bring all the anime addicted fans in one place in hope of getting rid of their animeitis by letting them enjoy tons of anime for 3 whole days. It works for a little when they come back and they will not be as addicted or it could fail and make their disease worse by making them more addicted. There is no known cure for animeitis.
"I had animeitis this weekend"

"I watched so much anime I think I came down with animeitis"

"At Anime conventions I have a serious case of animeitis"
by animecrazy2007 May 18, 2010
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Anime means animated show, they are popular and have 2 types , mainstream and normal.some of the best mainstream animes are...Attack on titan ,sword art online,tokyo ghoul,yu gi oh,the irregular at magic high school and death note.

If u start watching anime then ul get hooked on to it and especially when a long anime is finished u beg for more anime goodness
Oi mark have u seen the new anime attack on titan???
by Animehhhhhhhhhh June 21, 2018
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Most people say anime is a cartoon, although it's not. Anime is a Japenese show, which of course, is animated. Usually it's in Japenese unless it's English-dubbed. There are all types of animes: horror, romantic, funny, action, etc. The anime characters may look cartoonish but that doesn't make anime cartoons. Anybody of any age can watch anime.
Some animes are:

Soul Eater
One Piece

Sword Art Online
Mirrai Nikki

~and many more~
by Anime May 5, 2014
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A beast of a man who on the word practice humps any moving object in sight, esp. Fat Wielert and hot women. He sleeps in a cage and eats raw meat all day. He loves feeding women his monstrous elephant dong.
Look at the animal dry hump fat wielert, he has been at it for the last 2 hours. Damn that is one huge elephant cock.
by Bob Seger March 23, 2004
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