The girl that most men hope and dream for. Can sell movies due to her good looks and hot body
(If u wanna see her as close to naked as she has been see into the blue)

Also a thing that men say to each other when they are trying to pick up.
Todd: I heard that into the blue wasn't that good.
Allan:Who cares, Jessica Alba is in a bikini for the whole movie
Todd:i'd pay to see that

Bill: That chick is checking you out.. and she's pretty fair
Matt: yeh but she ain't no Jessica Alba
by Allan S November 21, 2005
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A dirty alba is when one steals a cadaver and then penetrates it anally with a vibrator so that it reanimates and one can pretend it is a living human being
damn i ran into daniel at the morgue... he's actively pulling a dirty alba. do not disturb.
by tuberculosis. April 18, 2022
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A B-List Hollywood actress who spends 60% of her time frying on the beach; 20% of her time walking around with an "I'm too good for everyone else" expression while paparazzi snap away; and the remaining 20% on deciding what new flip flops to buy to add to her collection of 500.
I'm Jessica Alba, I can get away with being a total bitch off camera b/c I'm like totally the hottest thing ever to have ever graced the earth...
by Van De Brink April 6, 2007
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An overly paid so-called actress who's good looks overcompensates for her mediocre (hmmm....that's putting it mildly) acting skills. Someone with absolutely no other talent besides looking good.
Have you seen Jessica Alba's new movie? Her performance was like watching a train wreck.
by Sunshine81 December 3, 2007
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A beautiful woman who sucks at acting. She has looks, but lacks talent, which ultimately, is not a good thing. Unfortunately, as soon as her looks begin to fade, Hollywood won't even hesitate to toss her into the dumpster.
Boy: Jessica Alba is sooooo hot!
Me: Yeah, I guess she's pretty, but unfortunately, that's all she really has. She possesses absolutely no acting talent. I think she'd be better as a model.
by the.marionette March 4, 2008
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Fisting a girl with honey as lubricant and smacking her forehead with a handful of semen and having her recite lines from the Fantastic Four comics.
Eddie: "I gave my girl a Jessica Alba last night."
Tom: "How'd she like it?"
Eddie: "I dunno man, she just kept screamin' "IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!" I'm definitely switchin' to molasses."
by Daniel Eastman April 23, 2005
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1. To go from a beautiful, curvy, tanned Mexican-American woman to a cracked-out looking, bleached, railing pole that just got starring roles in major films after she was made to look even more blond and pale than Mexican/dark. You don't believe me? Google her pictures from when she starred in the Fantastic 4 film!

Trust me. They're gonna start bleaching Eva Longoria, too. That's Hollywood for you.

2. To have natural beauty but no acting talent.
Sue: I wanna be like Jessica Alba; use my beauty to star in that new Colin Farrell film.

Me: No you don't. When your looks start fading and your body changes shape, Hollywood is gonna dump you ass like old garbage. Go to acting school, first!
by twistedbabydoll August 13, 2007
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