Freeze a turd and fuck a chick with it. WOW
your girlfriend leaves you and says ''fuck you you piece of shit'', and comes back for sex. You give that BITCH an ''alaskan pipeline'' and tell all your friends.
by J.BukenSteen October 22, 2009
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when u freeze a tird and fuck a chick with it
she loves alaskan pipelines
by poohee November 24, 2008
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The act of taking a dump in a used condom, putting it in the freezer and then using it to masturbate your significant other. Invented by Nick F. sometime in March 2014.
I heard Nick gave Alaskan pipeline to Lauren
by Alpinenigga April 10, 2014
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When you have anal intercourse while using rubbing alcohol as lubricant. The giving party then takes a lighter and lights the receiving party's b-hole on fire.
Billy B's girl needed a skin graph after he gave her a Baked Alaskan Pipeline.
by Dyl Ketz March 11, 2014
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Where someone shits into a condom, freezes it, then uses it as a dildo.
I gave your mom the good-ol' trans-alaskan pipeline last night!
by actionjacksonak August 31, 2006
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Like an alaskan pipeline - only one uses the frozen shitsicle to masturbate with, after poking holes into it so that as they approach orgasm - an increasingly thick layer of feces melts out of the condom onto their hands/nether regions
Yo man - did you see that video Shirley posted of her giving herself a leaky alaskan pipeline? SHIT WAS SO CASH!
by realtimecrease August 20, 2022
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