“Dude, I just tried to get cookies out of the oven with no oven mit and I got burned
“What? Yo, you coop for that one”
by thatonesouthern November 26, 2019
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When someone wants to say cool, but also signify that they don't give shit.
"This new game I bought is so coop"
by Baked_bean_boy July 28, 2020
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when someone gets insanely drunk from a red cup full of vodka
" I am about to get cooped tonight"
by yuknia February 11, 2010
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To accompany someone or ones self, in a musical setting or situation.
"Yo Mike, these lyrics would sound awesome if you coop me on guitar"....
by Swyp3Mast3r April 7, 2011
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unfaithful man, believes he can do what he wants with whom ever he chooses! typical 'married for the kids sake' situation!
usually found in his local watering hole with a bottle of becks in one hand and his phone in the other! ready to take ur number, or to answer to the nagging mrs!
BEWARE - you'll sucked in before u can run! a real heartbreaker!
watch him - hes a real COOPS
by househelp July 22, 2008
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the act of coughing so hard you poop yourself
The moment I coughed I knew I pooped and cooped my underwear.
by tinyblanket November 19, 2014
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1.) A stunning young man with red facial hair
2.) A pale, ghost-like, person
3.) A bitch for real
4.) A sucker of long hard objects
5.) A weak shit
1.) "yeah that kid i was supposed to fight never showed up." "What a coop".

2.) "Look at that skinhead with the beard", " haha yeah thats a coop alright"

3.) "man i havent tanned in forever." "yeah dude youre lookin like a coop"

4.) " man i met this girl last night " "she suck you up?" " yeah she was a coop for real"

5.) " you cant lift that? youre such a coop"

Cory Cooper
by AlRgTbIdE FdIbEvLfDhS January 22, 2011
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