it is when a female dog is slaped, stepped on, kicked down a stair case, ect. and makes a sound so high that it doesn't register on the dog's hearing scale.
Did you hear that Bitch Squeak when my neighbor slapped Fluffles, stepped on her, and accidentally kicked her down the stair case?
by Dicky von Pussae November 18, 2013
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a whistle or "squeak" emitted during anal penetration.
i was so embarassed last night when i let out an anal squeak.
by alissa weiss January 10, 2008
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a small jerk that does everything to be annoying
You little pip squeak why do u have to be so annoying?!
by Danville EMT April 6, 2007
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A woman's vagina, a fat & wet vagina, pussy, coochie.
Time to freak on her squeak box. ; Bro i smashed Lexy last week, the squeak box had me WEAK cuz. ; Drowned in her squeak box.
by Grooveybby April 22, 2018
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A food supposedly of british origin, made from leftover vegatables, usually on boxing day. It is called Bulle and Squeak because apparently when you cook it it makes bubbling and squeaking sounds.
We had bubble and squeak on boxing day from our leftover Christmas Dinner.
by FayeIsMoi October 26, 2006
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A noise a human sometimes makes when being or seeing someone that sexualy arouses them.
The girl sent out a mating squeak as the boy walked by.
by JEssii October 18, 2007
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The distinct sound ones grinder makes when opening the kief chamber of their grinder. Slightly different than the sound of the main chamber of the grinder. Often confused with keef squeak.
Ah man I recognize that kief squeak!
by Ligmataintsixtynine December 8, 2018
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