This term is the term used in the Eminem song "My Mom". The definition for this term means you are huffin' ether (cocaine) and puffin' reefer (marijuana).
Bob: Hey Jim didn't see you last night what happened?
Jim: OOOOOOOOOH! Last night I did some coke and weed.
Bob:So you where Huffin' and Puffin'!?!
Jim: Yaaaaa.
by Japan Bubbles May 27, 2009
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When a man consistently favors sexual partners of smaller stature than him, most commonly as a method of compensating for his own smaller male offering
Dave always likes short chicks. I bet he's just puffin stuffin', you know, going for the smaller birds so it seems bigger.
by Palto January 6, 2011
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noun - A person of color who is frequently blowing smoke up the rear ends of the general populous in an effort to garner their empathy or support;

verb - Sending up a verbal smoke-screen in an effort to obscure the actual intent behind one's actions
"Barack Obama's been Cocoa Puffin about this whole health care thing since day one."

Dude #1- "So I guess Sammy Sosa out-and-out denied utilizing performance enhancing steroids in his quest to beat Roger Maris's home run record. Can you believe it?"

Dude #2- "I don't buy it. He's such a Cocoa Puffin!"
by Big Daddy Matty C March 14, 2010
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A Puffin muncher is one who enjoys eating puffins. puffin munchers can often be found throughout scandanavia and neighbouring islands such as iceland.
olaf - hey uri, look at that puffin, im gonna munch him.
uri - not if i get him first!

foreigner - damn that guy is one hefty puffin muncher

by puffin-muncher September 13, 2005
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When feeding a Puffin a bread stick, the animal will experience extreme discomfort, leading to choking and eventually death.
Hunter 1: Oh man, did you see that, I painbreaded that puffin, I'm gonna get fired this time for sure!

Hunter 2: Don't worry dude, I painbreaded a puffin this morning.
by Jonnumber1234 June 22, 2009
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1. A lesbian with a large stripey beak, with habit of diving for fish, a large breast but a strange waddle.

2. Someone male or female who has a habit of smoking snatch, hence puffin the cunt.
"Oh my god Chenade look at the Cunt puffin on that"
by Baron von penisham March 19, 2009
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