is when male or female is casually walkind down the street and sees a member of the oppisite sex (or the same depending on what your in to) and takes their hand and shoves it down his or her pants. this will most likely result in a rape conviction or sexual assult hence the kamikaze.
dude i totally pulled the kamikaze on this bitch last night, my cout date is in a month.
by CSho May 19, 2007
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A last resort tactic used by the japanese during their raid on Pearl Harbor which they blow their own asses up to kill as many muthas fucka's possible before they die.
" O hit..i must die with honor!! roar...bam*
by Painkillers May 15, 2005
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Known as "Divine Wind" this variation of the word usage centers around performing oral sex on a male. The "kamikaze bj" requires a lot of practice and a lot of
intuitive control, because the giver has either his or hands tied or handcuffed behind his or her back, thus making any
intervention with the hands impossible.
This is one sex act in which timing and
knowing your partner are paramount. The
result of trying this without sufficient
understanding, timing, and practice might
be a very unpleasant choking experience
for the giver. The receiver might also choose to be tied or handcuffed too, but
a third person (perhaps filming the
encounter) would have to unshackle both
participants afterwards. This is a most
extreme form of performing and receiving
oral sex.
"Last night Jennifer came over after work
and we tried the 'kamikaze' moves again and
this time it worked so well I almost
passed out. "
by weasler August 9, 2008
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It is when you are in the backseat of a car and throw up into the pouch on the back of the driver's or front passenger's seat and then smack it, sending bile-filled vomit all throughout the cabin.
"Dude, why is Pepe pissed at you"
"I was hammered last night in the back of Don Pepe's car so when I had to vom I gave him a Backseat KamiKaze."
by Dunham From Down Under March 25, 2021
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A girl is riding you, she gets off as your going to bust your nut and the jizz gets in your eye. You are a kamikaze pirate

You're jerking off laying on your back when you nut the jizz gets in your eye. Your a kamikaze pirate
by Alemahi November 10, 2014
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A flying watermelon that screams "Wheee" towards its target. Causes little harm, but can awake zeeky h-bombs. From the Demented Cartoon Movie.
"Whee!" (Splat)
by Anonymous May 23, 2003
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A harried, careless, indifferent city mother pushing a stroller down a crowded sidewalk -- who is ready to run over people -- using her stroller as a bulldozer. Kamikaze mommies are usually on the wrong side of the sidewalk daring people to walk in front of them.
Wow, that kamikaze mommy almost flattened me!
by Kreture1 May 12, 2016
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