1)oh my god those midgets in that x-rated movie were so binky
2)oh my god that roadkill is soo binky i just see it and want to scrape it up and hug it lots
by slit.canvas@gmail.com October 20, 2005
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A main character in "Life in Hell," a 4 panel cartoon drawn by Matt Groening before he became famous. Binky is an angsty, frustrated rabbit and the father of Bongo, an even more angsty, single-eared rabbit who seems to be about 8 years old.
"I thought you weren't seeing Binky anymore."
by in_disbelief March 14, 2010
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A loving, caring executive from North London, who brings joy and good will to all those she meets. But not someone to be reckoned with - if you get on the wrong side of a 'Binky' she will mess you up good and proper!
I said to my Binky 'no' and she hit me round the face, I know it was a bad 'Binky' day!
by Bushbaby December 21, 2003
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One who is often compared to and/or mentioned in relations to god, possibly buddha, or maybe even Steve-O, but then again, maybe not.
Dan Van= Binkie
by Binkie April 15, 2004
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Short for 'If you were a dog, i'd shave your arse and make you walk backwards and you have a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, you twat'
Yo Reh Dogg, that biatch sure is binky
by DiscoSteve January 3, 2010
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a name used to describe a piece of crap car with no muffler but a really good cd system. incredibly endearing.
man, no guy will ever bang me because i'm driving binky, but who cares, she's a sweet ride
by jilliton February 23, 2005
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A neo-liberal politician, because they aren't real liberals, they just pacify liberal lay persons.
It sucks that the new governor is a total binky because I am gonna miss how people used to be more woke.
by gearslut November 7, 2018
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