Text Chat-
abbreviated sms messages sent on a mobile phone
abrvtd txt msg snt mbl fon
by werndl April 24, 2003
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when you stan txt you will uh get money, yes 😃, and you will get clear skin, yeah. so stan txt now for money and clear skin, and you will become rich yes.
person: Omg she got so much money and she even has clear skin??
person2: yeah i know its cause she stans txt.
person : we should stan txt.
person 2 : Yeah i know some of the names! lets go learn more.
person 1 and person 2 : stan txt now
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When a girl says she'll text you later, and ages later she still hasn't but you don't want to call her or you'll seem like a desperate idiot. Suffered by desperate idiots and paranoid teenage freaks like me and the rest of my ragtag bunch of misfits.
I got bad txt-back anxiety when Emma said she'd text me later and she still hadn't like 8 hours later. Turns out she said 'I'll text you tommorrow'. Oh well, I'm an idiot.
by dudeman April 10, 2004
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The biggest and coolest hueningkai Stan to exist 🤩
Omg have you seen Stan.4.Txt’s newest post their so cool 😎
by Xylophone01 July 23, 2021
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the best txt stan / moa : txtdefender/leo . the reason is, leo has watched every single txt music video, has streamed all their songs in existence before including bsides, leo has more than 20 highlights of them, leo got noticed once by soobin & txt, leo is the best txt lover and no one can tell me otherwise. leo has saved over 50,000 edits, videos, photos, clips, selcas etc. of txt more than any other moa ever will, leo knows everything about txt and they have been leo’s ult group ever since leo has stanned them. leo has have 3 big ass txt posters and they are the best things to look at. nothing will ever come out leo’s mouth if it isn’t about txt, leo will defend txt with his whole life no matter what it takes. leo would drag any other group for txt because that’s how much he loves them. nobody could ever top their love for txt more than leo so therefore, leo is the best txt stan/moa.
“hey have you heard about the best txt stan/moa?”
“omg leo/txtdefender on instagram”
“yes queen!!”
by < TXT 3 September 13, 2022
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I love txt but is a tactic used by kpop fans whenever they want to say something about another group. Using txt they make a comparison between this and that rookie group and who deserve the roty.
'I love txt but ateez is better'

'I love txt but they don't deserve the roty'
by Sookai July 15, 2019
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This is when one of your friends shows you their cell phone & it is full of chapters of completely ridiculous Text Messages from the previous day's banter with their significant other or friend. In most cases this being one of their X's.
Emily: Are you ready for some Txt Drama Theatre?

Nicholle: OMG! That is some crazy ass shit right there! I can't believe he sent this!!!

Emily: *Raises Monocle* Indeed madam. Indeed.
by LadyShreve February 6, 2010
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