The non way to show affection towards a man friend; Bromance
by Muli July 19, 2011
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Horrible channel featuring the biggest sell-outs of all time catering to people who lack the ability to think for themselves. Its shows consist of E! News Live (the biggest charade for a television program ever featuring the stupidest people on TV) and The Anna Nicole Smith Show (a program known to have caused dysentary in its viewers).
"After watching E!, I felt like my brain had melted and been replaced with shit."
by Money November 26, 2003
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Leslie is head of the fun/party committee at her work. Her friends and family know her as the succubus of fun yet she volunteered for the gig. She's :E
by Ganzale November 17, 2010
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I make my angry e-face at you. >:E
by Auddwaggin November 22, 2004
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A powerful mage that shoots beams of Ctrl+"-" at other chracters
.|E|: ---------A-
by Conflict in Society November 6, 2017
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