In the context of dating, "Rule 1 and 2" is
Rule #1: Be attractive
Rule #2: Don’t be unattractive
Q: How do I get matches on Tinder?
A: Follow rule 1 and 2.
(other example);
Chad: Yoor bootyfull
Katie: All these other guys are trying to demonstrate their grasp of written English in their first message to me, but not you. You're different. I like you

Bob: Chad, how the fuck did that pickup line work?

Chad: Rule 1 and 2...
by Hans Henrik May 27, 2023
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Part of the "rules of the internet", made in early 2006 by someone in the /b/ section of 4chan who fancies the site a secret underground.

Due to the /b/ section being overrun with users from sites such as Gaia Online and MySpace, these rules were accepted, and more people took part in the illusion that 4chan is a SUPAR SECRAT CLOBHAUS. Despite the fact that these two rules state that you shouldn't talk about /b/, some people will cite "RULES 1 AND 2!!" every time 4chan (or even a meme) is mentioned outside of the site.

Thankfully, this vermin of stupidity remains contained in /b/, so people who cite rules 1 and 2 in other boards are bound to get flamed and hopefully banned.
*4chan Steam group is mentioned in a /v/ thread*
Anonymous: facepalm.jpg
Anonymous: kill yourself
by WHYIAMSOBALD October 15, 2007
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A. from fight club. a line from brad pitt

B. in relation to 4chan's /b/ board, instructs one not to talk about /b/

Rules followed only by newfags.
So theres a place called /b/ you should check it out

Rules 1 and 2! Rules 1 and 2!

Shut up you faggot.
by aw shit fuck May 23, 2010
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Rule #1 of fight club is you do not talk about fight club, Rule number 2 of fight club is you do not talk about FIGHT CLUB! These rules are from the hut 1999 film Fight Club
Hey Tyler what's rule #1 and #2.
Rule #1 of fight club is you do not talk about fight club, Rule number 2 of fight club is you do not talk about FIGHT CLUB!
by Dr Patrick McGowan December 8, 2022
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Always try to occupy odd-numbered urinals. Never occupy a urinal right next to another urinal currently in use. And never, EVER start a conversation with anyone if you are using a urinal and/or if the person you want to talk to is using a urinal. That would just make everything really awkward.
*Guy 1 enters bathroom, occupies urinal*
Guy 1: Hey bro, what's up?
Guy 1: Oh shit, sorry
*Guy 1 moves urinals, pissing commences in silence*
by anonman123 April 16, 2010
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