A popular Korean TV survival drama series on Neflix in 2021. It's about a competition and u win 45.6 billion dollars. But, u have to compete in six children's games such as Red Light, Green Light and Tug of War. But, there could only be one winner and people have to get killed every game.
Squid Game is a mystery series.
by Angel-Bad October 14, 2021
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A very bad english dub of a good korean TV show.
"Hey bro this looks like squid game!"
"It do look like squid game"
by CCP Chairman December 1, 2021
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This lowkey happen when a barely legal Japanese girl crams a moist octopus/squid in her pussy. The object of the game is to see how many days you can leave it in there.
Xing Ling Po was caught playing squid game in her room. He father Chow Wong Dong was very furious! Don't play squid game. Squid game no good. No good is squid game.
by bootyclapper34135 March 30, 2023
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A Netflix series with only 1 season and 9 episodes currently
Man 1 :Bro did you see the new show squid game

Man 2: I know it was amazing
by Pleasebenormalguys October 11, 2021
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