when you twerk most likely with the freddy filter or another filter
timmy:poppin' this thing back
jimmy:werk *throws five bucks*
by raybeez March 28, 2022
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It's like poppin' swags, but like a toaster.
Person 1: I have swag.
Person 2: Excuse me?
Person 1: I'm poppin' swags like a toaster.
Person 2: That sentence didn't make me any less confused.
by Gangster Fart March 16, 2014
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Wind so strong it makes old ladies with umbrellas fly away.
Dude that mothafuckin poppins wind blew away my hat!!11!!11!!
by CokeHead Fred April 14, 2007
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A bitch (fish) that pops her pussy for anything.
Wassup janae aka pussy poppin parana 🤙🏽
by Thatthraxbih December 23, 2016
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A throat so deep that you could pull anything out of it
That bitch had a mary poppin’s mouth so deep that I almost got lost.
by runnindownmyvagina November 28, 2021
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The physiological activity in which one is engaged during an episode of increased fart frequency.
"How's your night goin'?"
"Eh, so so. The dog's poppin' tootie tonight and it is real bad"
by Owen Wilsons Nose February 3, 2021
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when a large piece of shit it repedieately entering and exiting the sphincter so that it is almost vibrating.
i got a bammy poppins and ima bout to blow!
by chickahyeyyayye March 17, 2009
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