The most disgusting place in America.

Literally the armpit of this great nation; if the nation had heinous curry fueled armpit B.O. If you role down your window as you pass by the “Welcome to New Jersey” sign, you are smacked in the face with a putrid smell of New York’s garbage that Jersey removes for them. The worst drivers in the country; they drive like maniacs… probably because they are trying to escape the trash-boat state they were unfortunate enough to be born into.
Dan: “Hey Steve roll down the window I wanna smell that fresh New Jersey air”
Steve: “If you roll that window down I will fucking strike you in the liver… New Jersey smells like your Aunt Claudia’s vagine, Dan… worst state in the Union”
by Bdflyfish May 10, 2022
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The land of the insane and stupid.
" I once saw a guy from New Jersey try to jump in a lake from 40 feet in the air from a cliff"
by idiotnumero1 March 8, 2021
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The most amazing state in the entire U.S.A. and I don't want to hear you southerner motherfuckers talking because you all suck. First off all, NO. WHERE THE FUCK. IS. JOISEY. I HAVE NEVER HEARD SOMEONE SAY "JOISEY" BEFORE EXCEPT THESE FUCKING NEW FUCKING NEW YORKERS ON THE FUCKING TURNPIKE OR THE GS PARKWAY BETWEEN EXITS 88-94.
LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. YES WE SAY TAWK. YES WE SAY CAWFEE. BUT NO WE DON'T SAY JOISEY FUCK Y'ALL BITCHES. Now to my next point, is that WE ARE THE BEST STATE. We don't spend our time saying "howdy y'all" in the most mickey-mouse sounding voice ever and growing fucking corn all day while burning to motherfucking death (yes, arizona texas and louisiana that's directed at you bitches). Wanna know why we fucking hate you? You hate us. Imagine all 49 other states just talking shit about you, like "oh florida's just a spawn of white karens and gators" or go to my profile to see the rest of my motherfucking 5178 character essay because the definition has a character limit of 1500. I promise it's up becaues I posted all the parts in the same like 10 mins and they were all finished posting by midnight september 4 2022.
I fucking love New Jersey it's the best state we have best tomatoes best pizza best bagels best blueberries and we keep our parks in good condition. we have a weird accent but it's better than hearing "howdy y'all" every day. no we don't say joisey but we do say tawk and kawfi.
by Stroughbries2763 September 4, 2022
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A state that has managed a reputation of being bad-but really isn't. It has beautiful scenery in southern and north-western parts. It's more than the smoke stacks and utilitarian New Jersey, New Yorkers see across the Hudson.
New Jersey-I hope you're happy you moved to Florida. It's 22 degrees in Trenton right now.
by Happy facer boi March 14, 2022
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New Jersey is between DE, PA, NY and the ocean. If you were from the part of New Jersey outside New York, you're from North Jersey (not New York), and if you're from the part of New Jersey outside Philly, you're from South Jersey (not Philly). Most people from New Jersey already know that and would have it no other way. Going to Philly for events, dining, shopping, to visit people, and so on isn't having started life there. Knowing a few people there doesn't make them the people you started your life around.
New Jersey is between a lot of different things up north, though most people don't confuse it with anywhere else.
by Solid Mantis December 10, 2020
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New Jersey is between DE, PA, NY and the ocean. If you were from the part of New Jersey outside New York, you're from North Jersey (not New York), and if you're from the part of New Jersey outside Philly, you're from South Jersey (not Philly). Most people from New Jersey already know that and would have it no other way. Going to Philly for events, dining, shopping, to visit people, and so on isn't having started life there. Knowing a few people there doesn't make them the people you started your life around.
New Jersey is between a lot of different things up north, though most people don't confuse it with anything else.
by Solid Mantis December 10, 2020
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New Jersey is between DE, PA, NY and the ocean. If you were from the part of New Jersey outside New York, you're from North Jersey (not New York), and if you're from the part of New Jersey outside Philly, you're from South Jersey (not Philly). Most people from New Jersey already know that and would have it no other way. Going to Philly for events, dining, shopping, to visit people, and so on isn't having started life there. Knowing a few people there doesn't make them the people you started your life around.
New Jersey is between a lot of different things up north, though most people don't confuse it with anything else.
by Solid Mantis December 10, 2020
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