Bryan is a tall and skinny boy, known for being lazy and crying a lot. is always hungry, is a good person and likes to buy you food but complains and will throw it in your phone. doesn’t have good friends and hangs with the wrong people and likes to get himself in trouble. A Bryan is also known for skipping work and gets bored of a job easily and switches jobs constantly and wants money quickly will do anything for it.
person one, “Wheres Bryan?”
person two, “The crybaby
by percyla1134 November 21, 2021
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One of the best guys you'll ever meet. He's the biggest dork with the biggest heart, and no matter what kind of mood or funk you're in the always manages to lift you out of it just with his presence. Bryan is easily the type of guy that you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with, he's loyal, sweet, hardworking, and kind beyond all measures. Bryan is an irreplaceable individual who makes more of an impact on people's lives than he knows of.He has the greatest smile. He is that type of person that you can become friends with and he'll still be in your life, involved or not. A Bryan is funny, smart and loves sports. He has the brains but often puts it off. A Bryan is also has a special place in your heart, you will never understand why or how; he just is. If you have a Bryan in your life, give him the absolute world because he deserves that and more.
Hi Bryan
by Xxxxxlolo November 21, 2021
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bryan is a type of person that is always gay and always gets girls because he is gay.
Bryan: can we be friends its ok im gay
girl: Yea sure
by Anonymous 23456 March 8, 2022
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A hot beautiful person with string muscles and is rich af
Bryan Was Happy
by BryanV April 12, 2019
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Bryan is a really outgoing person but only talks to his friends. If you Break his heart he will play sad music then do the “wapdance.
Boy A: “Did his girlfriend break up with him”
Boy B: “I think so
Bryan:( at home playing sad music)him at school doing the “wap” dance in the bathroom.
by I’m right 59013 September 17, 2020
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He looks like an arrangement of ugly things; purple minion, Rumpelstiltskin, baby grinch, and un ratooooon. He's mommy's favorite. He's so far up her ass that he was born with some shit on his ears. He has beef with the tooth fairy so she took all his teeth. He's bilingual thanks to his brothers, he speaks English and fatass. His hobby is eating while watching spy ninjas on mommy's phone.
Bryan is so annoying.
by ChiquieMami February 4, 2022
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The episode from the situational comedy 'How I Met Your Mother' in wich the main character Theodore "Ted" Mosby's boss -played by Bryan Cranston of hit show Breaking Bad- designs a building that looks like male genetailia. The building's phallic design is used as a major plot point for the episode which drastically changes the course of Ted's life.
P1: I am rewatching the greatest sit-com of all time, How I Met Your Mother
P2: Nice! Did you get to the Bryan Cranston Penis Building episode
P1: I did! Crazy that Walter White built a penis.
by LouieIsDed August 13, 2023
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