n. An group of engineers gathered around a single computer screen during a period of extreme operational failure
A tragedy pod of forlorn coworkers formed around the lead engineer's desk while she tried to find the customers' deleted data.
by thesystemisdown February 28, 2017
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Kez was very worried when his Fleshy Pod was out in full glory.
by CustardNuts July 11, 2021
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Look at those carbon dioxide pods. Apple is probably selling them at a bajillion dollars a pair.
by bigchungus1212 May 9, 2022
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A real CLOSET CASE as he has way more when he STINKS.
Thr only way people are going to come back as you have to have a LEI POD ONFICE which after COVID C0R0NA A DELTA, OMNICRON, DELTACR0N as the OFFICE is forever OFF but that one is being equipped with REASONSBLE SIZES where you are WELCOMED T0 RELAX etc on your LONG CONTRACTED BREAK.
by FAG PARENT FAG AWOL July 21, 2022
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Nut pod is when you jerk off, and you cum into a juul pod. Then vape it will shoving your thumb up your ass
James may hit his nut pod while blushing
by Vapegod69nuttt November 8, 2020
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Nut pod is when you jerk off, and you cum into a juul pod. Then vape it will shoving your thumb up your ass
James may hit his nut pod while blushing
by Vapegod69nuttt November 8, 2020
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1. The act of listening or going through another person's iPod or MP3 player and hearing a song that you like, and then adding it to your MP3 player. The song is usually one that you know but have not heard in a while.

2. The act of hearing a new song on a friend's iPod or MP3 and asking for the name of it as if you've heard it before, only to go and add it to your MP3 player. When you pod creep, you don't give credit to the original song finder.
1. Nick: "Oh, I can't believe he has Big Pimpin on his iPod. I totally forgot about that song!"

2. Meghan: "Oh! What's the name of this song again?"
Valerie: "My Humps."
Meghan: "Oh yeah. That's right... (adds song to iPod)
Valerie: "She's always Pod Creepin."
by puffswithlosh August 10, 2010
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