When it's opposite day and you wanna sing the alphabet song.
Person- "Hey it's opposite day. Now sing the alphabet song."

Me- "now i know my abcs next time won't you sing with me zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"
by xXyOuRmOmIsGaEXx January 24, 2022
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The most fucked up fever FISH you'll ever have.

Credit to The Partygoers!
Person 1: Hey dude. You, Me, FISH Station

Person 2: YOU, ME, FISH STATION. What are we getting for dinner? FISH OF COURSE! UH OH, there was a Fish inside of our FISH. We black out and wake up in a FISH, we're surrounded by fish, FISHY FISH, you know what that means! FISH! The stench draws in a FISH, what are we gonna do? We're gunna fight it, FISH fight, FISH handed, FISH... naked? OH YES PLEASE. We befriend the FISH after we beat it in a FISH, then we ride it into a Chuck E Cheese, dance dance revolution. REVOLUTION? OVERTHROW THE FISH? UHHH, I THINK SO. Next thing you know, I'm reincarnated as FISH, then I turn into a FISH, fly into the FISH, black out AGAIN, wake up, do a FISH, WHITE OUT which I didn't know you could do, then I smoked a FISH, GREENED OUT, THEN I TURNED INTO THE FISH, AND UH OH! LOOKS LIKE THE FISH IS KICKING IN! PLAHFHAAOPOAHJHASFOFAPALOAOFLAOFFALFHRHRAHROAHAHHAHRHARHAHHAHAHHAHEHAHA
by EEEFIN September 8, 2023
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When someone makes arrangements and they don't go through
why are you spinning me for six days?
by john caliber August 2, 2022
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Telling the person you’re talking to that you want to get jiggy. Now.
Steve: Hey Chad, we gonna do something before I leave?
Chad: You, Me. Bed, Now.
Steve: Oh…
by JizzedInTheTeaKettle May 7, 2022
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I want to move away out to Montana or some other place in the Midwest
Can you send me money, UD Jews?
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