December 31st is Raye Penber (The Character from Death Note) Appreciation Day! We all do something to show our love for best boy!
Person A: What day is it?
Person B: December 31st, Raye Penber Appreciation Day!
by May 1, 2021
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daleah appreciation day is a day where you celebrate daleah for being ur friend
Omg today is daleah appreciation day”
by sunsh1n3_21 July 25, 2023
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The day to appreciate the marsupials native to Australia.
Take pictures of Koalas
Visit Australia to see Koalas in the wild.
Josh: Hey khaleesi do you know what day it is today?
Khaleesi: No..
Josh: Its koala Appreciation day~ I even made a T-shirt
by Beansenpai~ April 20, 2021
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This is when a group of men, typically around the ages of 14-25 get together to appreciate a guy named Jared Ford Meamet. These are typically large gatherings but can scale down to around 3-5 people but typically tend to range from 10-25 people at a time.
by Rapidddd July 30, 2023
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September 14 - A day dedicated to celebrating and appreciating the contributions and accomplishments of straight white girls.
Happy straight white girl appreciation day!
by depressedflowervase September 13, 2023
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George Appreciation Day is a International holiday where people thank and appreciate anyone they know named George!
Person 1: What's your favorite holiday?
Person 2: Definitely George Appreciation Day!!
by clayiscoolerthanyou March 28, 2022
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