Something that was all destroyed and spit out.
That Ho was all chewed up.
by Allputtogether October 22, 2020
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1. Chewing the spoon is getting invited to an event that you were looking forward to, only to be rejected by the host when you get there.

2. In general, it can also be used to describe something that doesn’t go the way you thought things were going to go. At worst, it puts you in a shitty situation for no reason.
Definition 1.

“Hey, I thought your buddy Zach was going to be here at this party?”

“He was, but Amanda broke up with him last week and since it’s her party he had to go…”

“Damn, sounds like he chewed the spoon…”

Definition 2.

“ I was really hoping to go see someone in New York this weekend, but the person I was going to visit ghosted me, leaving me stuck in New York with no money, and ruined my plans… I really chewed the spoon on this one”
by Ester Tallon Joe October 9, 2022
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Out of it. Basically in the same sense as playin with the dandelions, someone who’s completely zoned out and oblivious to the world around them.
“You guys suck”
Vinny you’ve been chewing markers all game and you’re 1 for 7
by zfin87 July 31, 2022
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n. CHOO-ing a-SBES-tis, -tos

Loose long-fiber asbestos intended for chewing
I used to inhale asbestos dust, but these days I prefer to use chewing asbestos

West Virginia and Wyoming are the only states that still allow the sale of chewing asbestos
by Waaadds July 22, 2022
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When you're talking to a girl who already has a boyfriend. The boyfriend got all the meat and you're left chewing on the bone.
"Mikey's talking to Sharon, but she already has a boyfriend. "
"He's just chewing bone."
by RandomSquid16 May 11, 2023
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An overdressed track-themed street car with that distinct later generation Nissan-Z engine amplified to sound like Chewbacca when he's agitated. In Star Wars, the Wookie costume must have felt overdressed while wearing it. The car also looks a bit chewed back with some exaggerated feature like excessive camber preventing the ability to have more than two tires flat on the ground at a time. This may be a fuel-saving feature in a straight line, but tire wear is far more expensive, and maybe the it corners more like an inverted motorcycle with such a stiff sway bar.
Still, the owner deserves props for not adding an oversized spoiler which might actually be necessary for sweeping corners at aircraft speeds.
Neighbor-"Fix your muffler, Chew-Bac-Car !"
Driver-"My friends think it's funny!"
Neighbor-"They laugh behind your back, wookie-boy!"
by Sperloid July 23, 2021
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